
Aravind continuously supports its patients on their resilient journeys, offering hope and ensuring a happy life. In addressing Retinoblastoma (RB), Aravind has established a platform called the Survivors Meet for Retinoblastoma survivors since 2017. This annual one-day event allows RB patients to connect with fellow survivors, share their recovery experiences, and spread hope. The recent Survivors Meet, held on 1st June, gathered around 200 enthusiastic survivors and their families from Tamil Nadu, and Kerala who received treatment at Aravind-Madurai. During the programme, survivors stood victoriously on stage, sharing the joy of achieving successful careers as doctors, engineers, government officers, and more. Their stories serve as an encouragement for young survivors to focus on their studies and believe in themselves.

Aravind also engages with the public to raise awareness about eye problems. Observing awareness days, such as Myopia, Retinoblastoma Awareness Week, etc., helps the community adopt preventive measures and learn how to manage these conditions.

Additionally, Continuous Medical Education (CME) programmes were held at Aravind Eye Hospitals in Salem, Coimbatore, and Pondicherry, updating ophthalmologists on clinical advancements. This on-going education ensures enhanced eye care for all.

News about these and much more occurred between 15th May and 15th June are featured in this edition.

Aravind Events

CME on Ocular Infections

Aravind-Salem, 2nd June

The one-day CME for ophthalmologists, postgraduates, and microbiologists was held at Hotel Radisson in Salem. The CME focused on the role of conventional and molecular methods for microbial identification in diagnosing ocular infections, along with interesting case scenarios. Dr. M. Srinivasan, Director Emeritus, Aravind Eye Care System (AECS), delivered the keynote address on corneal infections. Insights were shared by internal faculty members including Dr. Viji Rangarajan, Chief, Orbit and Oculoplasty, Aravind – Coimbatore, Dr. Siddharth, Medical Consultant, Cataract and IOL Clinic, Aravind-Coimbatore, Dr. Ram Rammohan, Medical Consultant, Aravind-Coimbatore, Dr. Balamurugan Medical Consultant, Cataract Services, Aravind-Pondicherry, Dr. Suneetha Puneeth, Aravind-Salem, Dr. Anuja, Medical Consultant, Aravind-Salem, Dr. K. Hemalatha, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Salem, and Dr. B. Manohar Babu, CMO, Aravind-Salem. Case presentations were conducted by Dr. Kesav, Dr. Priyadarshini, Dr. Avdhoot, and Dr. Sivaranjini. Additionally, a competitive quiz programme with attractive prizes was conducted by Quiz Masters Dr. Saranya and Dr. Anand from Sankara Nethralaya Eye Hospital, Chennai. Seran, Manager,Patient Care, Aravind-Salem, led the organising team. The programme saw participation from around 80 individuals, including 11 faculty members.

Ceremonial lamp lighting during the CME on Ocular Infection
Dr. B. Manohar Babu leading a session
Dr. Anand conducting a quiz contest
Dr. B. Manohar Babu presenting a memento to Dr. Siddharth

Eye Donation Awareness Programme

Sivagangai, 4th June

The Rotary Aravind International Eye Bank (RAIEB), Aravind-Madurai conducted an awareness programme at the Government Primary Health Centre in Maravanmangalam, Sivagangai. D. Saravanan, Manager, RAIEB, led a session on the Hospital Cornea Retrieval Programme, emphasising the role of healthcare professionals in promoting eye donation. The session was attended by 50 participants, including doctors and nurses.

D. Saravanan handling a session during eye donation awareness programme

CME on Neuro Ophthal & Retina Decoded for Ophthal Practice & Post Graduates

Aravind-Coimbatore, 12th June

Organised by Aravind Coimbatore in association with the Coimbatore Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons (CSOS), at IMA Hall, Coimbatore, the CME featured three sessions: PG’s Case Presentations, Neuro Ophthal, and Retina. The sessions were interactive and received positive feedback from participants. The event saw participation from 90 delegates, including PGs and practitioners from Aravind-Coimbatore, CSOS members, and 18 internal and external faculty members.

Sarithira Sangamam

 Aravind-Chennai, 31st May

Aravind-Chennai organised “Sarithira Sangamam,” a monthly event for MLOPs, featuring various activities. Dr. Usha Raghavan, Project Consultant, delivered a speech on mythology and epics, highlighting facts, beliefs, and illusions from the Ramayana and Mahabharata, emphasising the importance of moral stories. This was followed by a Thirukkural quiz covering five chapters. Participants were divided into three teams: Literature, Myths, and Epics.

Inauguration of Aravind Eye Clinic - Puttur

Aravind-Tirupati, 28th May

SV Aravind Eye Hospital, Tirupati, opened its first Eye Clinic in Puttur, Tirupati District, Andra Pradesh. Dr. K. Srinivasulu Reddy, Civil Surgeon (Retd.), inaugurated the clinic in the presence of R.D. Thulasiraj, Director Operations, AECS, Dr. Ashok Vardhan, CMO, Aravind-Tirupati, Sri Keshav Kumar, Manager, Administration and Finance, Aravind-Tirupati, Damien Jacob, Manager, Patient Care, and V. Vasudeva Reddy, Camp Manager. The new clinic will benefit Puttur and the surrounding villages.

R.D. Thulasiraj lighting the lamp during the inauguration of Aravind Eye Clinic at Puttur
Dr. Ashok Vardhan briefing about the functions of the new clinic

Myopia Awareness Week

Aravind-Dindigul, 27th May

Aravind-Dindigul observed Myopia Awareness Week by displaying awareness posters and charts created by MLOPs in the Outpatient Department and entrance areas of the hospital to educate the public about myopia prevention.

Posters at the hospital entrance raising awareness about Myopia

CME on Uvea4All

Aravind-Pondicherry, 19th May

The one-day CME focused on “Exploring Lapses in Uveitis Management” began with a welcome address by Dr. S. Balamurugan, Chief, Uvea Services, Aravind-Pondicherry. The CME featured various sessions handled by Dr. Parthopratim Dutta Majumder from Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai, along with internal speakers. Dr. S.R. Rathinam, Chief, Uvea Services, Aravind-Madurai, shared captivating insights on the discovery of organisms like Leptospirosis, Trematodes, and the West Nile virus during various outbreaks.

The Objectively Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) session in Uveitis management was led by Dr. Naveen and Dr. Radhika, followed by an exciting quiz contest, “Kaun Banega Uveapati,” conducted by Dr. Parthopratim Dutta Majumder. Dr. Subhashini from Aravind-Pondicherry won first prize, while Dr. Aahan Shah from JIPMER, Pondicherry, and Dr. Prabhu Krishna from Aravind-Pondicherry secured the first and second runner-up positions, respectively.

Dr. Radhika, Aravind-Madurai, secured the first runner-up position for her image titled “Disseminated TB,” and Dr. Hari Bhadari secured the second runner-up position for his image titled “Sectoral Serpentine Atrophy.”

The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Balamurugan. The CME saw the participation of 75 attendees.

Ceremonial lamp lighting during the CME on Uvea4All
Dr. S. Anjana handling a session on Exploring lapses in Uveitis management
Participants of the CME programme

World Retinoblastoma Awareness Week

Aravind-Chennai, 17th May

World Retinoblastoma Awareness Week is celebrated each year in the second week of May. This year, Aravind-Chennai organised its first Retinoblastoma Awareness programme, inviting families of children treated at Aravind-Chennai as guests to help spread the awareness message. The programme facilitated the family member to witness the progress of retinoblastoma survivors. In addition, there was a dance performance by the little champions. The programme concluded with the distribution of gifts and prizes.

Ceremonial lamp lighting by Dr. Anand Rajendran, during the Retinoblastoma Awareness day programme at Aravind-Chennai
Children performing a dance show
Aravind doctors with retinoblastoma patients and their families at Aravind-Chennai.

Aravind-Madurai, 1st June

At Aravind-Madurai,  the annual survivors’ meet was conducted for children who have overcome retinoblastoma. Dr. Usha Kim, Chief, Orbit, Aravind-Madurai, welcomed the gathering and highlighted several achievements: around 800 retinoblastoma patients saved, 7 Ph.Ds completed on retinoblastoma, 543 screenings conducted, and 305 genetic PROH-band markers identified in 41 families. She also mentioned 35 low vision aids and 5 smart vision glasses were provided to low vision patients. The event featured motivational talks by retinoblastoma survivors who have achieved significant positions in life as government staff, lecturers, engineers, doctors, and more. Dr. P. Namperumalsamy, Chairman Emeritus, AECS, highlighted Aravind’s efforts in bringing foreign technology in RB treatment at an affordable rate. Dr. R.D. Ravindran, Chairman, AECS, discussed Aravind’s efforts in combining research and modern technology to provide maximum care to patients. Prof. K. Dharmalingam stressed Aravind’s involvement in employing preventive methods using predictive biomarkers and its continuous care for patients. Dr. P. Namperumalsamy and Dr. G. Natchiar, Director-Emeritus, AECS, honoured Janani, mother of the late Arunkarthick who lost his life due to a rare type of eye cancer, for her benevolence. The programme was attended by 200 children with their parents and siblings, making a total of 600 participants. The survivors and their families were provided with sumptuous food, and children were given attractive gifts

Dr. Usha Kim delivering the welcome address during the Survivors day held in Aravind-Madurai
Dr. R.D. Ravindran, Dr. P. Namperumalsamy, and Dr. Usha Kim, honouring Janani.
Prof. K. Dharmalingam delivering a talk on the role of research in the care of retinoblastoma patients
Retinoblastoma survivors sharing their successful career achievements
Dr. P. Namperumalsamy and Dr. G. Natchiar, presenting gifts to the survivors.
Children giving a dance performance
Retinoblastoma survivors with the Aravind senior leadership team

Summer Camp for Aravind Staff Children-2024

Aravind-Madurai, 13-25 May

Aravind-Madurai organised a summer camp at Nithyatha, Aurolab for the children of staff members from Aravind Eye Hospital, AMRF, and Aurolab. A total of 42 children, including five volunteers and 37 children from classes 1st to 8th, participated. The camp was divided into two batches: 24 children from classes 1st to 4th attended from 13 to 18 May, and 13 children from classes 5th to 8th attended from 20 to 25 May. The theme of the camp was “Mindfulness.” Activities included nature journaling, mask making, farm visits, salad making, trekking, plantable paper seed making, and story building. Each day began with breathing exercises and an icebreaker activity and ended with reflection time. The programme provided an opportunity for children to develop new skills and crucial life skills such as team building and problem-solving.

Children engaging in summer camp activities at Nithyatha, Aurolab
Gaining exposure to the vermicomposting process at Aurofarm
Trekking at Azhagar Kovil
Making mask using balloons, papers, and paint
Making seed balls
Children enjoying play items during the summer camp
Practicing nature journaling while trekking
Mask making activities


Product Showcase

Salem, 2nd June

Aurolab’s marketing team engaged with ophthalmologists and showcased the latest products during the CME on Ocular Infections organised by Aravind-Salem at Hotel Radisson, Salem. Yashida, Executive, Aravind-Salem, along with Sivabharath and Thowfeek from the Therapeutic Team, Aurolab, actively participated in the event.

Displaying Aurolab products at the CME on Ocular Infections held at Salem

Conference Attended

Workshop for Trainers on Integrated People-Centred Eye Care (IPEC)

China, 3rd June

Thulasiraj Ravilla, Executive Director, LAICO, and Sanil Joseph, Senior Faculty, LAICO, were invited speakers at a workshop organised by the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Centre, China’s largest eye hospital and a newly designated World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre. The workshop aimed to promote IPEC across China. Thulasiraj Ravilla spoke on “Challenges, barriers, and priorities in implementing IPEC,” and “Implementation of IPEC at Aravind.” Sanil Joseph discussed the “Eye Care Competency Framework (ECCF)” and “Comprehensive training and capacity building for the eye care workforce in India.”

R.D. Thulasiraj delivering an invited talk at the Workshop for Trainers on Integrated People-Centred Eye Care, held at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Centre, China
R.D. Thulasiraj and Sanil Joseph during the workshop
R.D. Thulasiraj and Sanil Joseph with the attendees of the workshop


  1. Balaji S, Rao A, Saraswathi KK, Nagarajan RS, Santhi R, Kim U, Muthukkaruppan V, Vanniarajan A. Focused cancer pathway analysis revealed unique therapeutic targets in retinoblastoma. Med Oncol. 2024;41:168. View More
  2. Das A, Subramaniam P, Shah PK, Venkatapathy N. Prevalence of Unscreened Premature Infants Presenting With Advanced Stages of Retinopathy of Prematurity in South India: An Analysis of 220 Eyes. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2024 May 30:1-5. [Epub] View More
  3. Palanivel S, Baskaran P, Rajendran A. A 3-Dimensional View of Prepapillary Vascular Loop. Ophthalmol Retina. 2024 Jun 6. [Epub] View More
  4. Pillai MR, Pabolu C, Rajabharani R, Chaudhary S, Krishnadas SR, Puthuran GV. Adams-Oliver syndrome associated with refractory glaucoma. J AAPOS. 2024 Jun 10. [Epub] View More
  5. Waghamare SR, Prasad S, Sankarananthan R, Venkatalakshmi S, Nagu K, Sundar B, Shekhar M. Nucleus drop following phacoemulsification surgery: Incidence, risk factors and clinical outcomes. Int Ophthalmol. 2024 Jun 21;44(1):247. View More
  6. Shah PK. Can retinoblastoma treatment be carried out in smaller centers in India? Indian J Ophthalmol. 2024 Jul 1;72(7):925-926. View More
  7. Bhadari AH, Tagare S, Wagh AS, Nair M, Venkatesh R. Innovative microscope simulator for cataract patients: Enhancing understanding and comfort. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2024 Jul 1;72(7):1070-1071. View More
  8. Acharya NR, Rathinam SR, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Balamurugan S, Vedhanayaki R, Gonzales JA, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Al-Dhibi HA, Doan T, Arellanes-Garcia L, Coyne A, Porco TC, Shantha JG; FAST Research Group. Outcomes in Patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease from the First-line Antimetabolites for Steroid-sparing Treatment Uveitis Trial. Am J Ophthalmol. 2024 Jun 2. [Epub] View More


Enrolments for June 2024

Course title
Training Centre
No. of enrolments
Long Term Fellowship Programmes – For Ophthalmologists
Fellowship in Cornea Tirunelveli 1
Coimbatore 1
Fellowship in Anterior Segment / Intraocular Lens Surgery Chennai 1
Madurai 1
Tirupati 1
Fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus  Tirunelveli 1
Coimbatore 1
Fellowship in General Ophthalmology Chennai 1
Fellowship in Glaucoma Chennai 1
Fellowship in Orbit & Oculoplasty Madurai 2
Fellowship in Medical Retina Chennai 1
Tirupati 1
Coimbatore 1
Fellowship in Retina and Vitreous Madurai 1
Chennai 2
Coimbatore 3
Tirupati 1
Short-Term Fellowship Programmes – For Ophthalmologists
Short-term Fellowship in Glaucoma Pondicherry 1
Short-Term Training Programmes – For Ophthalmologists
Management of Retinopathy of Prematurity and Paediatric Retinal Disorders Madurai 1
Clinical Observership Programme in Diagnosis and Management Of Glaucoma Madurai 1
Pondicherry 1
Tirunelveli 1
Phacoemulsification Coimbatore 2
Madurai 2
Pondicherry 1
Chennai 1
Tirunelveli 2
Small Incision Cataract Surgery Tirunelveli 2
Coimbatore 1
Chennai 1
Madurai 1
Short Term Training Programme – For Paramedicals
Optical dispensing Madurai 2
Short Term Training Programme – For Community Outreach
Community Outreach and Social Marketing of Eye Care Services LAICO 14
Short Term Training Programme – For Instrument Maintenance
Online Course on Ophthalmic Instruments Maintenance LAICO 1


Patient Statistics – May 2024

Hospital Out-patient visits
(New & Review)
 3,04,226  70,832  36,861 10,187 40,793 33,055  5,041 10,479 13,987  6,271 5,448 5,054 45,532  17,006 3,680
Free: Direct walk-in
(New & Review)
1,14,565 28,309  8,977 3,269  13,898  10,680  2,729  2,812  7,188  1,889  2,720  14,496  16,263  1,335
Outreach Out-patients
Comprehensive Eye Camps 33,585  9,014 3,751 931 5,727 6,992  360  –  1,744  192  74 3,429  1,142 229
Diabetic Retinopathy Camps  2,084  1,054  119  255  656  –  –
Glaucoma Camps  –  –  –  –  –  –
Refraction Camp  5,597 2,198  419  682  664  963  –  –  241 430
Mobile Refraction Unit  1,444  1,444
School Screening  63 18 45  –  –
Paediatric Eye screening camps
RoP Screening  1,829 306 310  121  804 50  205  33
Vision Centres  86,322 29,158  14,796 6,207  6,380  17,253  1,857  4,725  2,231  3,715
Community / City Centres 19,119 9,425  2,982 2,315  2,920  1,111 366
Total OP Examinations  5,68,834  1,50,296  68,233  23,967  68,967  70,950  9,987  13,291  30,051  8,352  10,473  5,054  68,488  35,051  5,674
Total number of camps  181  46  22 7
 29 2
 1 1
 – 21 7 2
Cataract 52,009 13,451 5,134 1,458 6,753 7,061 873 1,290 3,351 842 1,214 279 6,086 3,670 547
*Other Surgeries 28,190 7,472 3,563 499 5,656 3,152 165 276 907 126 127 173 4,009 1,978 87
Total Surgeries  80,199  20,923  8,697  1,957  12,409  10,213  1,038  1,566
 4,258 968
 10,095  5,648  634
*Other surgeries include major surgeries, minor surgeries, intra-vitreal & other injections and laser procedures.