
Amidst ongoing clinical activities, Aravind is actively involved in conducting CME programmes, training initiatives, observing awareness days, hosting guests, and participating in various national and international conferences. A notable highlight was hosting the Jagriti Yatra team of young entrepreneurs for more than 10 times, providing Aravind an opportunity to share its best practices with this inspiring group. LAICO hosted several training programmes, including a two-day consultation during the October Summit, focusing on enhancing access to and the quality of eye care services, attracting participants from India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Internationally, a three-member team from the Biomedical Engineering Department of Aravind-Madurai conducted an Ophthalmic Instruments Maintenance Training Course at the Pacific Eye Institute in Suva, Fiji. The Aravind Medical Research Foundation (AMRF) also held a two-day Education and Research Conference in collaboration with Dartmouth College, fostering the exchange of educational and research activities, paving the way for future collaborative research projects and long-term partnerships.

News about these and many other activities happened between 15th November 2024 and 15th December 2024 are featured in this edition.


Dr. M.S. Boparai Oration Award 2024

Varanasi, 14th December 2024

Dr. Usha Kim, Chief, Orbit & Oculoplasty Services, Aravind-Madurai, was honoured with the Dr. M.S. Boparai Oration Award 2024 by the Ocular Trauma Society of India during the OTSI Annual Conference Kashi Traumacon, held in Varanasi.

Dr. Usha Kim receiving the Dr. M.S. Boparai Oration Award 2024

Awards at the 58th Annual Conference of U.P. State Ophthalmological Society

Meerut, 29th November-1st December 2024

Aravind doctors won awards at UPCON 2024 organised by LLRM Medical College, Meerut.

Dr. Sivaranjani, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Pondicherry

Dr. P.K. Pandey Best Paper Award 
Title: Role of repeat Hemoglobin levels in infants with ROP

Dr. V.N. Raizada Memorial Award
Title: Clinical and genetic findings of brothers with RDH 12 Retinopathy: A Serpiginous Choroiditis Mimicker

Dr. Sameer Chaudhary, Medical Officer, General Ophthalmology, Aravind-Madurai
Runner-up in Ophthalmic Wars
Title: A battle of knowledge between teams through medical and surgical case presentations and ophthalmology quizzes. 

Awards at the VRSI Conference

Guwahati, Assam, December 6-8, 2024

Aravind doctors won awards at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Vitreo-Retinal Society of India (VRSI), held under the aegis of the Ophthalmological Society of Assam (OSA) in Guwahati, Assam.

Dr. Sivadarshan, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous Services, Aravind-Madurai
Best Interesting Cases Award
Title: Worm in the eye!! Is it dead yet? (Interesting Cases)  

Dr. Athul S Puthalath, Retina Fellow, Aravind-Madurai
Best Video Award
Title: Lens Guard: A novel protection system for lenses used in ophthalmology (Session – Top 12 Videos)

Dr. Aswin PR, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous Services, Aravind-Tirunelveli
Second prize for best DR slogan award
Slogan: World Diabetes Day: “Save your sight – Get your sugars right”

Dr. Siddharth Narendran, Medical Consultant, General Ophthalmology, Aravind-Coimbatore
Prof. Namperumalsamy Young Researcher Award 2024

Dr. Pawan V. Garde, Aravind-Pondicherry
3rd Best Poster – DR awareness poster competition

Award at the 34th Annual Conference of Bombay Ophthalmologists’ Association (BOA)

Mumbai, 29th November-1st December 2024

Dr. Tanya Nitin Balakrishnan, Fellow, Retina and Vitreous Services, Aravind-Madurai, secured first runner-up in the Dr. T.P. Lahane Award for Best Paper at the 34th Annual Conference of Bombay Ophthalmologists’ Association (BOA), held at the Westin, Mumbai Powai Lake.
Title: Role of Arteriovenous interposition in determining the outcomes in determining the outcomes in ST-BRVO

Aravind Events

6th Hospital Day

Aravind-Tirupati, 14th December 2024

Aravind–Tirupati celebrated its 6th Hospital Day with great enthusiasm. The chief guest, Dr. R.V. Kumar, Director and Vice-Chancellor, SVIMS, Tirupati, gracing the function. Dr. S. Ashok Vardhan, CMO, Aravind-Tirupati, delivered the welcome speech, and the annual report was presented by Dr. Preeti Mohanty, Medical Consultant, Aravind-Tirupati. The guest of homer, Dr. P. Balakrishnan, Managing Director – Emeritus, Aurolab, Madurai, presented the awards for on-time attendance, as well as for the best rooms and the best wing in the hostel. Dr. R.V. Kumar spoke of the strong womanhood in Aravind and presented the Service Awards to those who had completed five years of service. He also launched the MLOP’s Newsletter Journal 2024. The MLOPs gave a cultural programme showcasing their talents in group dance and karate. There was also a dance event by the crèche children. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Kesava Kumar, General Manager, followed by dinner.

Dr. R.V. Kumar releasing the MLOP Newsletter
K. Ranganadham, Sri Aurobindo Society, Tirupati, presenting awards to MLOPs
MLOPs performing karate
MLOPs performing Bharatanatyam

Exposure Visit by Rotary Navsari Gujarat

9-11 December 2024

A leadership team from Rotary Navsari Gujarat visited Aravind Eye Hospitals in Madurai and Theni to engage in discussions with senior leadership members and gain exposure to Aravind’s practices.

The leadership team from Rotary Navsari Gujarat at Aravind-Theni

Vision Rehabilitation - Current Perspectives

Aravind-Tirunelveli, 8th December 2024

The Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme organised by Aravind-Tirunelveli, was designed to update healthcare professionals on the latest techniques, resources, and interventions to enhance the quality of life for individuals with visual impairments. The event provided an in-depth exploration of advancements in vision rehabilitation across different age groups.

Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi, Professor Emeritus, Paediatric Ophthalmology, delivered the keynote lecture on “Understanding Cerebral Visual Impairment.” Dr. Nandakumar, Paediatrician, along with Dr. Sahithya Bhaskar and Dr. Amrutha Sindhu, presented talks on various aspects of Cerebral Visual Impairment. Additionally, Dr. Neelam Pawar, Dr. Fathima A., and Dr. Anupama delivered talks on optical and non-optical measures, as well as details about NGOs working in the field of vision rehabilitation. Additionally, there were a Kahoot quiz competition and a hands-on session providing practical training.

The programme also featured two guest speakers and one internal speaker who are visually challenged individuals with extraordinary capabilities. Govinda Krishnan, Founder, Nethrodaya, spoke on employment opportunities in vision rehabilitation, Kumaresan, Consultant, Bookshare, provided updates on available digital resource technologies, and Venkatesh, Digital Resource Trainer, Aravind-Madurai, discussed on orientation and mobility devices, including SVG.

Approximately 140 delegates participated, including 33 doctors, 31 optometrists, 55 SSA teachers, and 21 MLOPs.

Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi delivering the keynote lecture
Dr. R. Ramakrishnan welcoming the participants
Dr. Nandakumar presenting a talk on various aspects of Cerebral Visual Impairment
An orientation on mobility devices

Distribution of Low Vision Devices on World Disability Day

Aravind-Madurai, 3rd December 2024

In commemoration of World Disability Day, the Vision Rehabilitation Department of Aravind-Madurai organised an event on the theme, “Amplifying the Leadership of Persons with Disabilities for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future.” The event featured talks on various rehabilitation services offered at Aravind-Madurai. The information about low vision aids, digital resource training and early intervention services provided in the department were explained by the digital resource trainers. A total of 43 low vision devices were distributed to 30 beneficiaries from various districts, with support from the Vision Aid project. These devices included, 7 SVG glasses, 13 smart mobiles, 8 signature guides, 10 white canes, and 5 electronic video magnifiers. The beneficiaries gave valuable feedbacks on the training and how these rehab measures made an impact in their lives.  Additionally, an exhibition was held to showcase various low vision devices and their functions, highlighting their role in empowering individuals with visual impairments.

Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi sharing her views on rehab measures
Venkatesh, a digital resource trainer, sharing information about digital resource training
Gargee Dutta delivering an insightful talk
Dr. P. Namperumalsamy distributing a low vision device to a beneficiary
A beneficiary sharing his feedback on how training and rehab measures have impacted his life
An exhibition showcasing various low vision devices and their functions
Beneficiaries of low vision devices with the Senior Leadership Team of Aravind

CME - "Diabetes and I"

Aravind-Tirunelveli, 1st December 2024

The CME on “Diabetes and I” held at Aravind-Tirunelveli, provided a comprehensive overview of diabetes and its impact on systemic and ocular health. Esteemed speakers from various specialties shared valuable insights, making it a multidisciplinary learning experience. Dr. D. Selvaraj provided an overview of diabetes. Dr. S. Sivaprakash discussed the management of diabetes, and Dr. P. Shankar delivered a session on diabetic nephropathy. A special segment focused on the ocular complications of diabetes, featuring talks by internal experts: Dr. Divya Shankar detailed the common ocular disorders in diabetes. Dr. D. Ananthi explained the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. Dr. Swanand Pradhan, Dr. Ashit Handa, and Dr. Aswin P.R. addressed diagnostic approaches, laser treatment, and intravitreal therapy, respectively. Dr. A. Syed Mohideen concluded the event with an insightful presentation on the role of vitreo-retinal surgery.  The programme also featured an engaging quiz for postgraduates. The CME further emphasised the need for collaborative efforts between specialties to improve patient outcomes. A total of 51 participants attended the programme.

Dr. D. Selvaras providing an overview on diabetes
Participant interaction during the CME session
Participants of the CME on Diabetes and I

CME on Optometry

Aravind-Salem, 1st December 2024

Organised by Aravind-Salem, the CME on Optometry was inaugurated by Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi, Chief, Paediatric Ophthalmologist, Aravind-Madurai. Dr. B. Manohar Babu, Chief Medical Officer, Aravind-Salem, delivered the welcome address. The event had four sessions, 12 talks, three case presentations and one quiz contest. In addition to the scientific lectures, the CME also had an exhibition with four stalls, including LVA, Practical Retinoscopy using model eye ball, Vision Therapy, Optical lenses and frames. Additionally, a signature and finger print campaign and a photo booth were arranged as a part of the event. The event ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Janani. The CME had a total of 459 participants from across Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka, with 260 participants attended in-person and the others virtually.

Lighting of the ceremonial lamp to mark the occasion
Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi delivering the inaugural address
An MLOP conducting a session
Signature and fingerprint campaign in progress

Inauguration of Vision Therapy and Low Vision Clinic

Aravind-Salem, 30th November 2024

Aravind-Salem has opened a Vision Therapy and Low Vision Clinic for patients with non-strabismic binocular vision anomalies, inaugurated by Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi, Advisor, Paediatric Clinic, Aravind-Madurai. This centre will provide a comprehensive vision assessment for patients with irreversible visual impairment and offer trials of low vision devices. Depending on the patients’ needs, either optical or non-optical low vision devices will be provided to improve their quality of life. Low vision aids (LVA) will benefit patients with BCVA of 6/18 or worse in both eyes, as well as those with restricted fields of 10 degrees, even after all forms of correction, treatment, and intervention. These patients will be provided with LVAs to help manage their daily activities. Additionally, vision therapy exercises will be offered to paediatric patients with amblyopia.

Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi inaugurating the Vision Therapy and Low Vision Clinic
Exploring low vision aids at the exhibits

Auroutsav 2024 Celebration

Aravind-Coimbatore, 19-27 November 2024

Organised by Aravind-Coimbatore, Auroutsav 2024 featured a total of 30 events, including music and dance performances as well as outdoor games. The event brought together MLOPs, doctors, and other staff members, including administrative and support teams, to showcase their creativity, talent, and unity. Expert judges from outside were invited to evaluate the events. One of the programme’s highlights was a quiz conducted by Rangaraj, CEO, Mind Games Quizzing and Consulting. The event concluded with a grand closing ceremony, featuring a captivating theme presentation titled Symphony of Colours. During the ceremony, winners of the various competitions were honoured. The Auroutsav rolling trophy was awarded to the green team, while the blue team secured second place, and the yellow team came in third.

A staff member showcasing a dance performance for the audience
MLOPs enjoying fun-filled sports events
An exciting game of musical chairs for MLOPs
A quiz conducted by Rangaraj, CEO of Mind Games Quizzing and Consulting
An engaging mime show
A mesmerising rangoli created by a contestant
An MLOP skillfully smashing the earthen pot during the Uriyadi game
The Green Team triumphing with the Auroutsav Rolling Trophy

World Diabetes Day Mega Quiz for School Children

Aravind-Tirunelveli, 26th November 2024

As part of the World Diabetes Day awareness programmes, Aravind-Tirunelveli, in conjunction with the District Science Centre, Tirunelveli, organised a mega quiz contest for school students under the SEVA-SPECSSS Paediatric Project. The event was inaugurated by Dr. R. Meenakshi, CMO, Aravind-Tirunelveli, who delivered a brief address on diabetes and eye care. Dr. Aarthy, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Tirunelveli, presented an awareness talk emphasising lifestyle modifications and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to prevent diabetes. The competition began with a preliminary written exam, followed by the main multimedia quiz. The event was held in two categories: juniors (6th to 8th standard) with 46 participants and seniors (9th to 12thh standard) with 48 participants. A total of 22 junior teams and 24 senior teams took part in the quiz. Trophies and certificates were awarded to the winning teams by Kumar, Tirunelveli District Science Officer, along with Dr. R. Ramakrishnan, Advisor, Aravind-Tirunelveli. All participants received participation certificates. During the event, eye screenings and fundus photographs were conducted on-site for school teachers and parents.

Quiz contestants participating in a preliminary written examination
School children enthusiastically taking part in the main multimedia quiz event
Dr. R. Ramakrishnan presenting prizes to the winners
On-site fundus photography conducted for school teachers and parents

Vision Centre and Community Centre CME and PASS Event

Aravind-Tirunelveli, 24th November 2024

Aravind-Tirunelveli successfully conducted two programmes: a Continuing Medical Education (CME) session and a Programme for Aravind Staff Support (PASS) event, organised for Vision Centre (VC) and Community Centre (CC) staff and their family members respectively.

The CME aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of VC and CC staff, focusing on the objectives and significance of vision centres, and updating on advanced IOLs and associated investigations, interpretation of fundus images and differential diagnosis, key points in managing Glaucoma, LASIK, and same-day OT procedures. The session concluded with a valuable feedback discussion.

Meanwhile, the PASS programme, organised for the family members of staff, recognising their contributions with the aim of enhancing their understanding of hospital operations. Dr. Meenakshi provided an update on AECS’s operations. Dr. Haridass, Incharge – Vision Centres, set the context, and Dr. A. Fathima spoke about the importance of the work done by VC staff.

Additional activities included a guided hospital tour, drawing sessions for children, and a special lecture by Dr. Ramakrishnan. Shanmuga Sundari shared positive feedback about the programme. The event concluded with a feedback session to gather participant insights, followed by a vote of thanks delivered by Stephen.

The programmes saw the participation of 191 individuals, including, 52 staff members, 119 family members, including children. The event successfully fostered professional growth, strengthened family engagement, and highlighted the collective efforts of the Vision Centre team.

Ceremonial lamp lighting by Dr. R. Meenakshi and Dr. S. Padmavathy
Dr. R. Meenakshi providing an update on AECS’s operations
Dr. S. Padmavathy engaging with the MLOPs in an interactive session
Dr. A. Fathima highlighting the significance of the work done by VC staff
Blood test being conducted for the MLOPs
Shanmuga Sundari expressing positive feedback about the programme
Participants of the PASS event

Advanced Cataract Course for External Ophthalmologists

Aravind-Chennai, 22-24 November 2024

Aravind-Chennai conducted an Advanced Cataract Course for External Ophthalmologists, at ARCORE, Chennai, in conjunction with Alcon. It was a combined course featuring sessions on complex case management and Refractive Cataract Surgery, including lectures, live OR, participants’ surgical video review and wet lab sessions. The course was attended by selected participants from across India.

Dr. Madhu Shekhar handling an insightful session
Participants fully engaging in the Wet lab session
Participants of the Advanced Cataract Course for External Ophthalmologists

Jagriti Yatra 2024

Aravind-Madurai, 20th November 2024

A team of 525 entrepreneurs visited Aravind-Madurai, to learn about AECS and its best practices, through the annual Jagriti Yatra which takes yatris to various organisation via a train journey.

A team of Aravind managers received the yatris at the Madurai railway station. Later, a meeting was held at the AMRF auditorium, where Syed Ali, Senior Faculty, LAICO, provided an overview of Aravind. Dr. S. Aravind, CMO, Aravind-Chennai, addressed the gathering virtually. A panel comprising senior leaders of Aravind, Dr. R.D. Ravindran, Chairman, Aravind Eye Care System (AECS), Dr. R. Kim, CMO, Aravind-Madurai, Dr. Usha Kim, Chief, Orbit and Oculoplasty, Aravind-Madurai, Dr. S.R. Rathinam, Chief, Uvea Services, Aravind-Madurai, Dr. A. Kowsalya, Medical Consultant, Neuro-ophthalmology Services and Chitra Thulasiraj, Head, Aravind Communications, responded to the questions from the yatris. The yatris, divided into teams, visited the hospital facilities, including the primary eye care centres at Alanganallur, Vadipatti, Kariapatti, and Sholavandhan, as well as Aurolab.

Syed Ali providing an overview of Aravind
Dr. S. Aravind addressing the yatris in a virtual session
Aravind’s senior leadership team addressing questions from the yatris
Dr. Usha Kim clarifying the participants’ queries

AIOS Prayogshala Glaucoma - Connect

Aravind-Chennai, 17th November 2024

The AIOS Prayogshala Glaucoma – Connect, a postgraduate update programme, was held at Aravind-Chennai to provide an overview of glaucoma, in collaboration with AIOS and TNOA. The programme began with insightful sessions by eminent speakers in the field, including Dr. Murali Ariga, Dr. Chitra, Dr. Pavan, Dr. Parivadini, and Dr. Archana Nivash, followed by sessions conducted by Aravind Glaucoma Consultants. The highlight of the morning session was an educational quiz. In the afternoon, there was an extensive dry lab session in the newly built state-of-the-art wet lab, ARCORE. This session also included hands-on training on various procedures such as applanation tonometry and gonioscopy. A detailed discussion on investigations like HFA and OCT was conducted, with a demonstration session for the same. All delegates were awarded two hours of credit points by TNMC. The event received overwhelmingly positive feedback, with numerous requests to organise similar events in the future.

Dr. Neethu Mohan handling an insightful session on Refractory glaucoma
Hands-on training on various procedures - applanation tonometry and gonioscopy
Participants of the AIOS Prayogshala Glaucoma – Connect

Sight First and Diabetic Retinopathy Seminar

Aravind-Coimbatore, 17th November 2024

The ‘Lions District 324 C’ Sight First and Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) seminar was held at Aravind-Coimbatore, with 97 Lions members attending the event. The chief guest, Dr. Nithyanandam, District Governor, along with Dr. V. Narendran, CMO, Aravind-Coimbatore, presided over the meeting. Several informative talks were delivered by experts in the field, Dr. Jebinth Brayan spoke on advancements in cataract surgery, Dr. Sasikala Elizabath discussed myopia and school screening, Dr. P. Mangala presented on eye banking, and Dr. A.S. Prashanth focused on diabetic retinopathy.

Ceremonial lamp lighting by Dr. P.S. Selvaraj, 2nd Vice District Governor
Dr. V. Narendran welcoming the partcipants
Dr. Jebinth discussing on advancements in cataract surgery
Dr. Mangala leading a discussion on eye banking

World Prematurity Day

Aravind-Madurai, 16th November 2024

Aravind-Madurai observed World Prematurity Day with an awareness exhibition on Retinopathy of Prematurity. Posters and models displayed on the ground floor of the OP building, educated visitors about the challenges and burden of preterm birth.

Dr. R. Kim observing the exhibits at the Retinopathy of Prematurity awareness exhibition
Visitors learning about the challenges and impact of preterm birth


AMRF – Dartmouth Education and Research Conference

Aravind Medical Research Foundation, 3-4 December 2024

The Aravind Medical Research Foundation (AMRF) hosted a two-day Education and Research Conference in collaboration with Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA. This initiative began in 2016 through discussions between Dr. N. Venkatesh Prajna, Chief, Cornea Services, Aravind-Madurai, and Dr. Michael E. Zegans, Chief, Ophthalmology Department, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Centre. The conference was organised by Prof. K. Dharmalingam, Director, Research, AMRF, and coordinated by Dr. D. Bharanidharan, Scientist, Microbiology and Bioinformatics, AMRF, alongside Dawn E. Carey, Senior Associate Director, Global Health and Development, Dartmouth College.

During the morning sessions, ten students from Dartmouth College presented research proposals on various eye diseases to an audience group of clinicians, scientists, and research scholars. In the afternoon, AMRF research scholars displayed their research activities through poster presentations. During lab visits, AMRF scientists showcased the core research facilities and explained the ongoing projects to the Dartmouth delegation. Additionally, there were cultural events, performed by students from both institutions. The conference served as a unique opportunity for both institutions to share educational and research activities, paving the way for future collaborative research projects and long-term partnerships.

A scientific session at the conference
Dr. P. Namperumalsamy discussing with delegates from Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Centre
Dr. Usha Kim interacting with the participants
Participants of the AMRF – Dartmouth Education and Research Conference

ICMR - Emeritus Scientist

Dr. P. Sundaresan, Senior Scientist, Molecular Genetics, Aravind Medical Research Foundation (AMRF) was appointed as an ICMR-Emeritus Scientist by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for a term of three years, to continue his biomedical research at AMRF, focusing on the project entitled, Molecular genetics in ocular diseases: Pathways to personalised medicine, with special emphasis on Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) and Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON).


Conferences Attended by Aurolab Team

Aurolab, 13-15 December 2024

The Aurolab team actively participated in four major conferences including,

  • 26th Annual Conference of the Punjab Ophthalmological Society (EYECON 2024), held from 13-15 December 2024, at Hotel Sepal, Bathinda, Punjab.
  • 62nd Annual Conference of the Bihar Ophthalmological Society (BOSCON 2024), held from 13-15 December 2024, at Darbhanga Medical College, Darbhanga, Bihar.
  • The Eye Foundation’s Phaco Refractive Decoded 2024, held on 14-15 December 2024, at Radisson Blu, Coimbatore.
  • 17th Annual Conference of the Poona Ophthalmological Society (Spectrum 2024), held on 14-15 December 2024, at the C.V. Raman Auditorium, IISER Anudh, Pune, Maharashtra.

At these events, Aurolab showcased a comprehensive range of advanced ophthalmic technologies, attracting significant interest from attendees. Their participation reflects Aurolab’s unwavering commitment to advancing ophthalmic care through innovation and fostering collaborative engagement with platforms such as BOSCON, Phaco Refractive Decoded, and EYECON.

Aurolab team showcasing their products at the conference


Customised Training in Eye Health Advocacy & Community Mobilisation Training

LAICO, 5-10 December 2024

Organised by LAICO, the training programme included 15 participants from Tata Steel Foundation, Jharkhand, and Odisha. It featured classroom sessions covering topics such as global blindness, barriers in eye care delivery, common eye conditions, planning comprehensive eye screening camps in the community, community referral systems, and retinopathy of prematurity.

The participants attended a school screening camp, a community eye health education programme in a rural village, and a comprehensive eye screening camp. They also had the opportunity to observe preoperative procedures, postoperative examinations, and counselling sessions. Additionally, they were trained to develop health education materials and attended eye camp monitoring meetings.

By the end of the training, participants had developed outreach strategies for their respective organisations, which they will implement upon returning to their locations.

An engaging classroom session during the training programme
Participants of the Customised Training in Eye Health Advocacy & Community Mobilisation Training

Certificate Course on Community Outreach and Social Marketing of Eye Care Services

LAICO, 14-26 November 2024

LAICO organised the 53rd batch of the Certificate Course for four participants from Cambodia, Guatemala, India, and Nepal. Classroom sessions covered topics such as demand generation, service marketing, GIS planning, and eye care need estimation for the service area population.

Participants had the opportunity to meet the community sponsors and attended various types of eye camps. They also observed counselling sessions, received training on developing health education materials, and participated in eye camp monitoring meetings.

By the end of the course, participants developed outreach strategies for their respective hospitals, which they would implement upon returning to their countries.

Participants at the eye care monitoring meeting
Participants of the Certificate Course on Community Outreach and Social Marketing of Eye Care Services

Consultation on Enhancing Effective Cataract Surgery and Refractive Error Coverage towards Achieving eCSC & eREC Targets for 2030

LAICO, 29-30 November 2024

As part of October Summit, the two-day consultation programme, organised by LAICO focused on addressing key challenges such as the diagnostic gap, compliance gap, and quality gap in cataract surgery and refractive error services. These efforts aimed to enhance access and quality in eye care services, contributing to achieving the Effective Cataract Surgical Coverage (eCSC) and Effective Refractive Error Coverage (eREC) targets by 2030.

The event brought together 29 participants from across three countries, India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, representing a diverse group of stakeholders in eye care.  The programme began with a welcome address by Dhivya Ramasamy, Executive Director, LAICO, followed by a keynote address from Dr. Andreas Mueller, Technical Advisor for the Global Vision and Eye Care Programme, World Health Organisation. Over the course of two days, participants engaged in plenary discussions and collaborative group work to develop strategies and actionable plans. The consultation concluded with a valedictory session led by Thulasiraj Ravilla, Emeritus Executive Director, LAICO.

Ceremonial lamp lighting during the two-day consultation programme
Dhivya Ramasamy welcoming the delegates
Dr. Andreas Mueller gave a keynote address
Participants of the Consultation on Enhancing Effective Cataract Surgery and Refractive Error Coverage towards Achieving eCSC & eREC Targets for 2030

Ophthalmic Instruments Maintenance Training Course

Fiji, 18-22 November 2024

Organised by Fred Hollows Foundation, New Zealand, and facilitated by Aravind Eye Care System, an Ophthalmic Instruments Maintenance Training Course was held at the Pacific Eye Institute, Suva, Fiji. Three members from the Biomedical Engineering Department of Aravind-Madurai, including Prof. N. Manickam, N. Kasthuri, and R. Jayalakshmi conducted the onsite programme. A total of 20 trainees from Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa, and Kiribati, participated. Several repaired pieces of equipment were available, which helped the facilitators provide both theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. All participants gained hands-on experience in dismantling and reassembling equipment such as streak retinoscopes, direct and indirect ophthalmoscopes, keratometers, and slit lamps.

They were also taught how to clean optics, replace bulbs, and ensure the correct ratings of fuses where needed. Additionally, they were trained in the basic care, maintenance, and troubleshooting of devices including auto-refractometers, lasers, applanation, tonometers, iCare tonometers, photo slit lamps, surgical microscopes, A/B scans, and optical coherence tomography equipment.

A final assessment was conducted via a Google form, which revealed a significant increase in the trainees’ confidence in handling ophthalmic instruments. To further support their learning, a WhatsApp group was created to enable ongoing interaction with the facilitators.

The trainees were provided with toolkits, cleaning supplies, lubricating materials, a Handbook on Instruments and Equipment Maintenance, and a DVD on Ophthalmic Instruments Maintenance, a step-by-step video guide illustrating care and maintenance procedures.

Participants of the Ophthalmic Instruments Maintenance Training Course

Needs Assessment Visit

Jaipur, 11-13 November 2024

As part of capacity-building initiatives, Syed Ali, Senior Faculty, LAICO, and Dr. Naveen, Medical Consultant, Cornea & Refractive Surgery Services, Aravind-Pondicherry, conducted a Needs Assessment Visit to Sai Netra Mandir, Jajpur, Odisha. This visit, carried out in collaboration with LAICO and Sightsavers, aimed to enhance the district’s CSR efforts in eye care.

Syed Ali and Dr. Naveen with the Sai Netra Mandir hospital team

Conference Attended

Singapore International Symposium

Singapore, 11-13 December 2024

The faculty and students from the Department of Immunology and Stem Cell Biology, Aravind Medical Research Foundation (AMRF), made poster presentations on their research work at the Singapore International Symposium on “Stem Cells in Tissue Maintenance, Repair, and Aging,” organised by the International Society for Stem Cell Research, in partnership with the Stem Cell Society Singapore. The event brought together scientists from across the region and the globe to share their latest research on tissue stem cells and their roles in maintenance, repair, and aging.

Dr. Gowri Priya Chidambaranathan, Scientist, Immunology & Stem Cell Biology, AMRF
Title: Accumulation of autophagosomes in the central zone of human lens epithelial cells: A study on the biology of adult stem cells in age-related cataract pathogenesis

Sneha Nair, Junior Research Fellow
Title: MiRNAs regulating human trabecular meshwork stem cell maintenance and their decline with aging

During their stay in Singapore, they visited the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) and met Dr. Gary SL Peh, Junior Principal Investigator, Tissue Engineering and Stem Cell Group, as well as Dr. AR Muralidharan, Assistant Professor, Visual Neuroscience Department. They also visited the 10X Genomics Office in Singapore to discuss spatial transcriptomics technology.

Dr. Gowri Priya and Sneha Nair at the Singapore International Symposium
A poster presentation during the conference


Chennai, 12th December 2024

Dr. S. Senthilkumari Srinivasan, Scientist, Ocular Pharmacology, AMRF, was invited to deliver a talk at the 70th Annual Conference of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India (APPICON 2024), organised by the ESIC Medical College & Hospital, K.K. Nagar, Chennai, on the topic, Drug Penetration across Blood-Ocular Barriers –  P-glycoprotein and Efflux Transporters of Blood-Ocular Barriers

Dr. S. Senthilkumari Srinivasan, at the 70th Annual Conference of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India

VRSI Conference

Guwahati, Assam, 6-8 December 2024

Aravind doctors participated in the 33rd Annual Conference of the Vitreo-Retinal Society of India (VRSI), held under the aegis of the Ophthalmological Society of Assam (OSA) in Guwahati, Assam.


Dr. Kim, Chief Medical Officer

  • Introduction of Nataraja Pillai Oration Awardee
  • Title: Integrating AI to leverage data analytics in EMR (Session – AI in Retina)
  • PAT Survey Session (Wise Council)
  • J M Pahwa Session (Wise Council)
  • AI in Retina Session (Wise Council)

Dr. Naresh Babu, Chief, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • Title: Anatomical and functional outcome of short-term perfluorocarbon liquid endo-tamponade for Closed Funnel Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment (Session – Retinal Detachment – Vitrectomy)
  • Title: Air perfused dissection of posterior hyaloid and tractional membrane complex in diabetic vitrectomy: A breath of fresh air (Session – Top 12 Videos)
  • Title: Unspooling a closed funnel: Short-term perfluorocarbon liquid endo-tamponade in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment (Session – Top 12 Videos)
  • ONH & Macular surgeries (Wise Council)
  • Interesting cases (Moderator)

Dr. Renu P Rajan, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous services

Title: A safer transscleral approach to remove Subretinal Napkin Ring in proliferative vitreoretinopathy (Session – Top 12 Videos)

Dr. Muthukrishnan, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous services

  • Talk / Video based complications session (Moderator)

Dr. Sivadarshan, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • Title: Following the footsteps of my mentor: Key insights (Green Horn Session – YOSI)
  • Title: Worm in the eye!! Is it dead yet? (Interesting Cases) Best Interesting Cases Award
  • Title: A curious tale of toxic posterior segment syndrome (Physical Poster)
  • Title: Sympathetic ophthalmic in the era of Micro incision vitrectomy surgery (E- Poster)

Dr. Prithviraj, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous services

  • Title: Surgical outcomes in idiopathic epiretinal membranes: Insight into the ectopic inner foveal layer classification scheme (Green Horn Session – YOSI)

Dr. Bhavani, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous services

  • Title: Clinico-Microbiological profile and treatment outcomes of Endopthalmitis following intravitreal injection: A retrospective analysis of 27 eyes (E Poster)

Dr. Athul S Puthalath, Retina Fellow

  • Title: Clinical presentation, treatment & outcomes of Paediatric Endogenous Endophthalmitis: A 10-year retrospective analysis of 32 cases from South India (VR Surgical Session)
  • Title: Lens Guard: A novel protection system for lenses used in ophthalmology (Session – Top 12 Videos) Best Video Award
  • Title: 3-D printed LAG series (Lens Attachment Guard series): A novel protection system for lenses used in ophthalmology (Session – Hack the Tech)


Dr. Syed Mohideen Abdul Khadar, Chief, Retina Services

  • J M Pahwa Session (Moderator)

Dr. Ram Sudarshan, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • Title: SFIOL made easy (E-Video)
  • Title: Two simple and useful lessons, for all vitreo-retina surgeons (E – Video)

Dr. Aswin PR, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • Title: SFIOL made easy (E-Video)
  • Title: Diabetic vitrectomy for beginners (E-Video)
  • Title: Clinical spectrum, optical coherence tomography findings and management outcome of post-fever retinitis cases (Physical Poster Session)
  • Title: Laser retreatment in Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) after Intravitreal Anti – VEGF: A retrospective study (E-Poster)
  • Title: Who is the culprit? IJT or PDR (E-Poster)
  • Slogan: World Diabetes Day: “Save your sight – Get your sugars right” (Second prize for best DR slogan award)

Dr. Swanand Pradhan, Retina Fellow

  • Title: Laser retreatment in Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) after Intravitreal Anti – VEGF: A Retrospective Study (E-Poster)

Dr. Akhila Kutumbaka, Retina Fellow

  • Title: Exudative retinal detachment: An uncommon presenting aspect of aggressive retinopathy of prematurity (Free Paper Presentation)
  • Title: Diabetic Vitrectomy for beginners (E-Video)

Dr. Raksha Palled, Retina Fellow

  • Title: Clinical spectrum, optical coherence tomography findings and management outcome of post-fever retinitis cases (Physical Poster Session)

Dr. Aarthy S, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • Title: White dot syndrome mimicking Choroiditis (E -Poster)

Dr. Jeet Patel, Retina Fellow

  • Title: Who is the culprit? IJT or PDR (E-Poster)


Dr. Manavi D. Sindal, Chief, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • PAT Survey (Moderator)
  • PCV (Wise Counsel)
  • Title: The Hyphema Dilemma: Unveiling chronic myeloid leukemia behind diabetic retinopathy (Single Slide) (Presenting author – Ocular Oncology Symposium II)
  • Title: Enhancing patient follow-up in Ophthalmology: Insights from the SHARP project (Chief and Presenting Author – E-Poster)
  • Title: From eyes to minds: Linking acute CSCR with anxiety levels (Chief and presenting author – E-Poster)
  • Title: A rare alliance exploring the intersection of Pantothenate Kinase associated neurodegeneration (PKAN) and retinitis pigmentosa (Co-author – E-Poster)
  • Title: Ischemia, inflammation or immune reaction: Enigmatic neovascular glaucoma with indeterminate retinal pathology (Co-author – E-Poster)
  • Title: Mastering PVD induction in challenging retinal surgery: Tips and techniques (Chief and presenting author – Kiosk Video)
  • Title: Mastering macular whole surgery: Essential techniques for success (Chief and Presenting Author)

Dr. Akshat Kothari,

  • Title: Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) (PAT Survey – Speaker)
  • Title: A rare alliance exploring the intersection of Pantothenate Kinase associated neurodegeneration (PKAN) and retinitis pigmentosa (Chief and Presenting Author – E-Poster)
  • Title: Ischemia, inflammation or immune reaction: Enigmatic neovascular glaucoma with indeterminate retinal pathology (Co- author – E- Poster)
  • Title: Bilateral bear traces: A retinal odyssey (Co- author – E- Poster)
  • Title: Tortuous surprise in an eye with microcornea (Co- author – E- Poster)
  • Title: Evolution of retinal injury caused by direct exposure to industrial laser (Co- author – E- Poster)

Dr. Priyanka Mahendrakar

  • Title: Diabetic Retinopathy (PAT Survey – Speaker)
  • Title: Ischemia, Inflammation or Immune reaction: Enigmatic neovascular glaucoma with indeterminate retinal pathology (Chief and presenting Author – E- Poster)
  • Title: Evolution of retinal injury caused by direct exposure to industrial laser (Chief and presenting Author- E-Poster)


Dr. Karthik Srinivasan, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Chennai

  • Title: What went wrong /was it me or the disease: The whole point – what went wrong (VR surgical Session 1)
  • Title: AI in Retina (VR surgical Session 1)

Dr. Ritesh Chainani, Medical Consultant Aravind-Chennai 

  • Title: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in a case of post fever retinitis (Challenging Cases)

Dr. Yeshwanth Kumar, Medical consultant, Aravind-Chennai 

  • Case presentation in Ocular Oncology Symposium


Dr. Kunduru Sruthi, Retina Fellow, Aravind-Tirupati

  • Title: Testosterone and vision: The hidden threat of central retinal artery occlusion (Poster Presentation)
  • Title: The aftermath: Central retinal artery occlusion and scleral buckel surgery (Poster Presentation)

Dr. Harsha Bhamidipati, Retina Fellow, Aravind-Tirupati

  • Title: Beneath the surface case series on subretinal abscess management (Poster Presentation)
  • Title: Seeing red rare case of bilateral virtreous hemorrhage in terson syndrome (Poster Presentation)


Bengaluru, 6-8 December 2024

Aravind doctors participated in the 12th Annual National Conference of the Cornea Society of India, held at Clarks Convention Centre, Bengaluru, where they presented papers and posters.

 Dr. Venkatesh Prajna, Chief, Cornea Services, Aravind – Madurai

  • Symposium: Technology (Panellist)
  • Title: Application of AI for corneal infections (Speaker)

Dr. Tejaswi Prasad, Medical Consultant, Cornea Services, Aravind – Madurai

  • Title: Insights into rarity: Conjunctival juvenile Haemangioendothelioma – Clinical Perspectives (Physical Poster)
  • Title: Paediatric Keratoconus: Visual outcome and predicting factors for the efficacy of standard Vs Accelerated Collagen Cross-Linking (CXL) (Physical Poster)
  • Title: Genome Wide DNA Methylation Analysis reveals Epigenetic Dysregulation in Pterygium (E-poster)

Dr. Premjith Muraleedharan Cornea Fellow, Aravind-Pondicherry

Best of Best video category – Second Place

  • Title: Corneal OPD simulation (Video Presentation) (Chief Author)
    Co-author: Dr. R. Naveen Medical Consultant, Cornea, Aravind-Pondicherry

Dr. Jayanthi, Medical Consultant, Cornea Services, Aravind – Coimbatore

  • Title: Keratonus and visual performance different contact lense  (E-Poster)

Dr. Deeksha Bekal, Corena Fellow, Aravind – Coimbatore

  • Title: Understanding the timeline: Implications for follow up came in post – lasik (Free Paper)

Dr. Indulekha, Cornea Fellow, Aravind – Coimbatore

  • Title: Effectiveness case of PTK in case of Accurrent RBD Post –PK (Physical Poster)

Dr. Shreya Podder, Cornea Fellow, Aravind – Coimbatore

  • Title: Decipluring OCP: A retrospective study (Free paper)

Dr. Divya, Medical Consultant, Aravind – Chennai

  • Near Live Surgery 2 -1100 Corneal Transplantation (Panellist)
  • Spotlight: Fuchs Dystrophy (Coordinator)
  • Title: DSO/DWEK in Fuchs: Current status and personal experiences (Spotlight: Fuchs Dystrophy – Session)
  • Title: Planning cataract surgery post-keratoplasty (Spotlight: Cataract surgery in corneal disease – Session)

Dr. Nathiya, Cornea Fellow, Aravind – Chennai

  • Title: IFS-Decoded (Video Presentation)
  • Title: A dual case report highlighting rare presentations of dermoid (E-Poster)

Dr. Anuja, Medical Consultant, Aravind – Salem

  • Title: Pack – CXL in advanced fungal keratitis: A comparative study (Paper Presentation)
  • Title: Retrospective study on OSSN in a Tertiary Eye Care (Paper Presentation)

Dr. Avdhoot, Corneal Fellow, Aravind – Salem

  • Title: Pythium Keratitis (Paper)
  • Title: Rare OSSN – PCG (Physical Poster)
  • Photo Contests – 4

International Society of Ocular Oncology (ISOO) 2024 Conference

Goa, 3-7 December 2024

Aravind doctors contributed in various roles as speakers, presenters, and judges at the Biennial Conference of the International Society of Ocular Oncology, held at the Taj Convention Centre in Goa.

Dr. Usha, Chief, Orbit & Oculoplasty Services, Aravind – Madurai

  • Title: Our Sequential Strategy for Rapid Molecular Diagnosis of Retinoblastoma (Speaker)
  • Retinoblastoma 2 – Session (Chairperson)
  • Title: e – Posters with pre-recorded narration genetic testing: A leap forward in retinoblastoma management (Presenter)
  • Title: Orbital tumours and others: e-posters with pre-recorded narration clinical and demographical analysis of ocular adnexal lymphoma (Presenter)
  • Eyelid Tumours and Orbital Tumors & quot – e-Posters (Judge)
  • Orbital Tumours – Videos (Judge)

Dr. Abhishek Das, Medical Consultant, Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore

  • Title: Intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma: A single centre study in South India, our experience (Poster Podium – Paper)
  • Title: Rb or no Rb? (Challenging case presentation)
  • Title: Concurrent optic disc hemangioma and rathke’s cleft cyst: A multimodal imaging approach (Ecase with narrative)

17th Congress of the Asia-Pacific Vitreo-Retina Society (APVRS)

Singapore, 22-24 November 2024

Doctors from Aravind participated in the 17th Congress of the Asia-Pacific Vitreo-Retina Society (APVRS), held at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore, where they presented posters, papers, and videos.

Dr. R. Ram Sudarshan, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind – Tirunelveli

  • Title: When the clot gets tough the cutter gets moving (Video- Chief Author)
  • Title: Clinical, microbiological profile & treatment outcomes of traumatic endophthalmitis in paediatric population in South India (E-Poster)
  • Title: Traumatic Endophthalmitis following injury by freshwater fish: A rare case report
  • Title: SFIOL made easy (Video – Co-author)

Dr. Aswin PR, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind -Tirunelveli

  • Title: SFIOL: from planning to perfection (E-Video)
  • Title: Retreatment in ROP following intravitreal anti-VEGFs (E-Poster)

Dr. K. Naresh Babu, Chief, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Madurai

  • Title: Air perfused dissection of posterior hyaloid & tractional membrane complex in diabetic vitrectomy: A breath of fresh air (Video Presentation)
  • Title: The unfurling technique: Surgically induced retinal detachment enhancing anatomical & functional outcome in grade 3 Epiretinal membrane (Video Presentation)

Dr. Haemoglobin, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Madurai

  • Title: Perfluorocarbon liquid (PFCL) migration in an attached retina

Dr. Anand Rajendran, Chief, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Chennai

  • Diabetic Retinopathy Session (Invited International Faculty)
  • Title: Surgical approaches for diabetic retinopathy (Speaker)

Dr. Chainani Ritesh Mohan, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Chennai

  • Title: APMPPE in South Indian patients: A case series (E-Poster)
  • Title: Bacillary layer detachment in a case of APMPPE (E-Poster)

Dr. Savithri, Retina Fellow, Aravind – Chennai

  • Title: Unravelling the mysteries of atypical uveal effusion syndrome associated with different aetiologies (Physical Poster)

Equitable Healthcare Access Consortium (EHAC) Members Meeting

Hyderabad, 6-7 December 2024

Thulasiraj Ravilla, Director-Emeritus, participated in the Equitable Healthcare Access Consortium (EHAC) Members Meeting, held at LVPEI, Hyderabad, and delivered a talk on Sustainability of equitable organisations. Further, he made some opening comments and also served as a moderator of the session.

Drishti 2024 - 51st Annual Conference of the Kerala Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons (KSOS)

Kochi, 29-31 November 2024

Aravind doctors served as speakers and judges at the 51st Annual Conference of the Kerala Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons (KSOS), held at the Le Meridien Convention Centre in Kochi.

Dr. Manju R Pillai, Medical Consultant, Glaucoma Services, Aravind – Madurai

  • Title: Challenging angle closure disease presentations (Talk)

Dr. Ganesh V Raman, Chief, Glaucoma Services, Aravind-Coimbatore

  • Title: What is new in glaucoma? (Talk)
  • Title: IC – Fundamentals of GATT (Talk)
  • Title: IC – Anomalous Optic Disc (Talk)
  • Title: IC – Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (Talk)
  • Title: IC – MIGS in PACG (Talk)
  • Dr. K.C. Sankara Menon FP Award Session (Judge)
  • TACO Poster Award (Judge)
  • Padma Bhushan Dr. P Siva Reddy Award Session (Judge)
  • Dr. Noel Moniz Memorial Anterior Segment Free paper session (Judge)
  • Dr. K.G. Ramachandran  memorial Free Paper (Judge)
  • Dr. K. S. Subramanian PG Free Paper Award Final (Judge)

WHO-SPECS Strategy Planning Meeting

Assam, 21-22 November 2024

Thulasiraj Ravilla, Director Emeritus, LAICO & Director of Operations, Aravind Eye Care System (AECS), participated in the WHO-SPECS Strategy Planning Meeting held in Guwahati, Assam.


  1. Murugesan S, Rangarajan V, Subramanian A, Ramakrishnan K. Intralesional bleomycin in treatment of orbital and/or adnexal venolymphatic malformations. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2024 Dec;72(12):1805-1807. View More
  2. Chandrakanth P, Kasturi N, Kumar BV, Kosalram A, Venkataramanan P. RED: Retinoscopy using endoscopy device. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2024;72:1832-1833. View More
  3. Kannan NB, Sarkar AD, Vallinayagam M, Jena S, Shah S, Ramasamy K. Anatomical and functional outcome of surgical correction of optic disc pit maculopathy using autologous scleral patch graft: a long-term retrospective analysis. BMC Ophthalmol. 2024 Dec 2;24(1):519. View More
  4. Rathinam SR, Gupta A, Singh P, Gupta R, Behera S, Chattopadhyay M, Banerjee P, Rana V, Badhani A, Priya S. Geographic helicoid peripapillary choroidopathy: a photo essay. Eye (Lond). 2024 Dec 2. [Epub] View More
  5. Shetty S, Devaraj A, Kim U, Vijayalakshmi P, Padurangan S. Isolated idiopathic inferior rectus myositis: Taming a rare disease at a rare site. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2024 Nov-Dec;61(6):e59-e62. View More
  6. Murugan SRB, Sanjay S, Somanath A, Mahendradas P, Patil A, Kaur K, Gurnani B. Artificial intelligence in uveitis: Innovations in diagnosis and therapeutic strategies.Clin Ophthalmol. 2024;18:3753-3766. View More
  7. Kannan NB, Vallinayagam M, Balakrishnan T, Dey Sarkar A, Rajan RP, Ramasamy K. Short-Term endotamponade with perfluorocarbon liquids for giant retinal tear-associated retinal detachment. J Vitreoretin Dis. 2024 Dec 13. [Epub] View More
  8. Gopalakrishnan AS, Sirajuddeen S, Banu N, Nunes J, Rajendran DT, Yadav S, Prajna NV, Williams R, Kuppamuthu D, GiridharaGopalan RO. Inhibition of matrix metalloproteases by a chemical cross-linker to halt the corneal degradation in keratoconus. Exp Eye Res. 2024 Dec 14. [Epub] View More


Enrolments for December 2024

Course title
Training Centre
No. of enrolments
Long Term Fellowship Programmes – For Ophthalmologists
Fellowship in Anterior Segment / Intraocular Lens Surgery Chennai 1
Fellowship in Glaucoma Madurai 2
Chennai 2
Fellowship in Cornea Madurai 3
Pondicherry 1
Chennai 1
Fellowship in Retina Vitreous Coimbatore 3
Short-Term Training Programmes – For Ophthalmologists
Phacoemulsification Coimbatore 2
Madurai 2
Tirunelveli 1
Chennai 1
Small Incision Cataract Surgery Coimbatore 1
Madurai 3
Chennai 1
Tirunelveli 1
HelpMeSee Simulation-based Training in MSICS Madurai 4


Patient Statistics – November 2024

Hospital Out-patient visits
Paying (New & Review)  2,57,402  58,022  30,806 9,507 35,903 24,361  5,914 9,678 13,465  5,600 4,654 5,297 38,124  12,604 3,467
Free: Direct walk-in (New & Review) 92,718 21,443  8,969 2,958  12,172  8,817  2,746  2,241  6,286  1,520  1,981  –  11,201  11,007  1,377
Outreach Out-patients
Comprehensive Eye Camps 30,532  7,471  4,585 1,489 5,630 2,839  754  –  2,067  410  428 2,904  1,854 101
Diabetic Retinopathy Camps  3,279  760  439  426  759  327  540  –  28
Glaucoma Camps  –  –  –  –  –  –
Refraction Camp  4,726 275  874  479  1,312  1,449  219  440  –  –  –  118
Mobile Refraction Unit  877  –  –  877
School Screening 5,582  1,126 1,630  600 816  1,410  –  –  –  –
Paediatric Eye screening camps  942  –  942
RoP Screening  1,178 270 131  110  396 37  208 26
Vision Centres  84,122 28,572  15,349  6,322  6,437  15,666  2,009  4,388  2,141  3,238
Community / City Centres 18,312 8,832  2,829 2,599  2,399  1,094 559
Total OP Examinations  4,99,670 1,26,771 65,612  24,490 63,425 58,247  11,642 11,919  27,623  7,530  9,204  5,297  56,769  26,196 4,945
Total number of camps  173 41 25 8 34 14 3  11  2 2  – 16 16 1
Cataract 33,927  7,100  3,711  1,259 5,309 3,180 929 798 2,771 553  885 314 4,358 2,175 585
*Other Surgeries 22,781 5,776 3,172 505 4,498 2,670 107 148 879 92 83 183 3,137 1,473 58
Total Surgeries 56,708 12,876 6,883 1,764 9,807 5,850 1,036 946 3,650 645 968 497 7,495 3,648 643
Other surgeries include major surgeries, minor surgeries, intra-vitreal & other injections and laser procedures.