
Eyespire 2024 Conference

Maharashtra, 6-7 January

Aurolab actively exhibited its products at the 48th annual conference of the Vidarbha Ophthalmic Society, ‘Eyespire 2024’ held in Maharashtra.

Aurolab team showcasing the Aurolab products during the ‘Eyespire 2024’ held in Maharashtra

Auro-Pongal Festival

Aurolab, 6th January

Pongal festival was joyously celebrated as Auro-Pongal in Nithyatha at Aurolab. A gardening competition took place on the campus, and the best garden was selected through employee voting. In addition, employees demonstrated their talents in group dance, folk dance, Silambam, and Kummi. The festivities also included a pot-breaking competition. The event concluded with a pooja conducted by Ramasamy, Personal Department, followed by the distribution of Prasad to all

Pooja arrangements for the Auro-Pongal Festival
Serving Pongal dish to a cow as part of a traditional practice during the Auro-Pongal Festival
Dancing in traditional costumes during the cultural performance by employees
MLOPs, and employees participating in the Auro-Pongal Festival

UTSAV 2023

Aurolab, 22-25 December

Aurolab presented Utsav 2023, after a four-year gap, with the aim of not only inspiring but also showcasing the exceptional talents of the entire Aurolab team. This four-day festival focused on the core themes of ‘Aurolab 2.0’, emphasising customer-centricity, trustworthiness, global outlook, professionalism, quality, and innovation. Utsav 2.0 was conducted as a rebranding initiative known as Aurolab 2.0. This Aurolab 2.0 enhancement is integrated into Aurolab’s operations to adapt to changing market conditions.

Utsav 2023 featured an array of competitions, including theme presentation, pencil art, essay writing, poetry, vegetable carving, poster making, ad zap, just a minute, swimming, throw ball, slow cycling, chess, carrom, treasure hunt, tug of war, lucky corner, cooking, photography & videography, flower arrangement, art from waste, singing, and speech competition (sulalum sollaragam). External judges were invited, and deserving candidates were honoured with prizes. The entire event was broadcast live, allowing everyone to witness the extraordinary talents on display.

Employees participating in the slow cycling competition
Employees engaging in the Tug of War competition
R.D. Sriram, Managing Director, Aurolab (Centre) presenting prizes to the winners
Prize winners at the UTSAV 2023