
USICON Conference

Chandigarh, 4-6 October 2024

Dr. Rathinam, Chief, Uvea Services, Aravind-Madurai, served as a speaker at the 25th Annual Conference of the Uveitis Soceity of India (USICON) held in Chandigarh. She spoke on topics such as “Are the infections new or the manifestations new?”, “How can I forget these cases?”, and a video presentation titled “25 years of USI.” Additionally, she chaired the Dr. G.V. Endowment Award & Prof. Amod Gupta Young Researcher Award ceremonies and the Silver Jubilee Symposium II: Presidents’ Symposium.

Dr. Rathinam at the 25th Annual Conference of the Uveitis Society of India

17th Kalpavriksha 2024

Chennai, 21st September 2024

Dr. Usha Kim was an invited faculty at Kalpavriksha 2024, the 17th edition of the two-day postgraduate CME programme for ophthalmology students, organised annually by Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital and Eye Research Centre, held at Hotel Savera, Chennai. She presented a talk on, “Ectropion & Entropion.”

“Ectropion & Entropion” at talk by Dr. Usha Kim

Eye Bank development in Indonesia Hospital

Indonesia, 24th September 2024

D. Saravanan, Manager, Eye Bank, Aravind-Madurai, handled a session on, “Setting up an eye bank and how to maintain productivity” at the RSCM Kirana Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia, during his visit to Indonesia. The session was attended by 125 attendees, including doctors, nurses, organ donation coordinators, and admin staff from different hospitals in Indonesia, both online and offline. Additionally, he handled a roundtable discussion on, How to do ideal training for eye bank technicians & counsellors.

D. Saravanan handling a session at the RSCM Kirana Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia
At a roundtable discussion
With the participants of the Eye Bank development session

World Eye Bank Symposium 2024

Jakarta, Indonesia, 25th September 2024

D. Saravanan conducted a session on “Managing the New Generation of Eye Banking Staff” at the World Eye Bank Symposium 2024, organized by the Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associations and the Association of Eye Banks of Asia. The event took place in the Warhol Room at Pullman Central Park, Jakarta, Indonesia, and was attended by 70 international eye bankers.

D. Saravanan conducting a session at the World Eye Bank Symposium 2024
With the participants of the symposium

34th Annual Conference of the Oculoplastics Association of India

Jaipur, 27-29 September 2024

Aravind doctors took part in the 34th Annual Conference of the Oculoplastics Association of India (OPAI), held at Hotel Clarks Amer, Jaipur.

Dr. Usha Kim served as a chairperson for the session on Orbit and spoke on, Optic nerve sheath decompression. Additionally, she chaired a session on Oncology and served as a speaker, presenting a topic on, Genetics in Ocular Oncology. Dr. Rama Vadapalli presented a topic on “Our approach to Orbital wall Fractures” while, Dr. Bharadwaj Lakkimsetty on, A sail through Retinoblastoma: Challenging cases.

Dr. Usha Kim delivering a talk at the 34th Annual Conference of the OPAI
Dr. Rama Vadapalli and Dr. Bharadwaj Lakkimsetty presenting at the conference

33rd Annual Conference of Glaucoma Society of India – GlaucoCherry

Pondicherry, 27-29 September 2024

Dr. S.R. Krishnadas

  • Mitomycin C Injectable Vs Sponge Application (Presentation)
  • Session on Glaucoma Medley (Chairperson)
  • Session on Glaucoma Pitch (Judge)

Dr. George Varghese Puthuran

  • All About Tubes (Chairman of Instruction Course)
  • Preventing & Managing Tube Retraction & Tube Exposure (Talk)
  • Surgical Treatment In Glaucoma (Co-Chairman in Plenary VI)
  • How to Conduct a Safe AADI Surgery? (Talk)
  • 10 Tips for Glaucoma Implant Surgery (Talk)

Dr. Manju R. Pillai

  • Paediatric Glaucoma for Comprehensive Ophthalmologists  (Co-Instructor)
  • Glaucoma Medley (Talk at Glaucoma Screening & Telemedicine” in Plenary VIII)

Dr. R. Sharmila
Short eyes and glaucoma (Talk)
Winner – Best paper of the session
Title: NPDS phaco -surgical outcomes
MPTPSC in paediatric (glaucoma poster)
Wetlab instructor for tubes

Dr. Vijayalakshmi A.
Title: Incidence etiology and risk factors for tube explantation in patients undergoing patch: Free glaucoma drainage device (Free Paper)
Wetlab instructor for tubes

Dr. R. Venkatesh addressing the audience
Dr. Annamalai Odayappan presenting a paper at the 33rd Annual Conference of Glaucoma Society of India
Aravind doctors at the GSI Conference

6th Annual Conference of Indian Neuro Ophthalmology Society (INOS)

Chennai, 21-22nd September 2024

Aravind doctors participated and presented papers and posters at the 6th Annual Conference of the Indian Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (INOS) 2024, held at Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai.

Poster Podium

Dr. Aparajitha Bondili: Etiology of Acute Loss of Vision in Patients Presenting to the Neuro-Ophthalmology Department at a Tertiary Eye Care Centre.
Co-authors: Dr. Kowsalya A., Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Dr. Smrithi Sony Thampi.

Physical Posters

  • Priyadharshini P.V., Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Dr. Kowsalya A.:
    A Rare Manifestation of Third Nerve Palsy.
  • S. Sangeetha, Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Dr. Kowsalya A.:
    An Unusual Case of Pituitary Macroadenoma Presenting with Unilateral Disc Edema.
  • Nivetha A., Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Dr. Kowsalya A.:
    An Unusual Presentation of Cortical Visual Impairment.
    A Variant of Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia
  • Naveena M., Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Dr. Jayasri K.N.:
    Unraveling the Unusual: Colloid Cyst Manifesting as Third Nerve Palsy.
    WEBINO Exposed: A Classic Case of Brainstem Infarct with Distinctive Ocular Manifestations.
Aravind doctors at the 6th Annual Conference of the Indian Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (INOS)

Tirupathi EYECON 2024

Tirupati, 13-15 September 2024

Dr. Bharadwaj Lakkimsetty presented a topic on Keep an eye on these eyes, at the AP State Ophthalmic Conference, Tirupathi EYECON 2024, organised by the Andhra Pradesh Ophthalmic Society (APOS) at Shree Convention, Tirupati.