
Singapore International Symposium

Singapore, 11-13 December 2024

The faculty and students from the Department of Immunology and Stem Cell Biology, Aravind Medical Research Foundation (AMRF), made poster presentations on their research work at the Singapore International Symposium on “Stem Cells in Tissue Maintenance, Repair, and Aging,” organised by the International Society for Stem Cell Research, in partnership with the Stem Cell Society Singapore. The event brought together scientists from across the region and the globe to share their latest research on tissue stem cells and their roles in maintenance, repair, and aging.

Dr. Gowri Priya Chidambaranathan, Scientist, Immunology & Stem Cell Biology, AMRF
Title: Accumulation of autophagosomes in the central zone of human lens epithelial cells: A study on the biology of adult stem cells in age-related cataract pathogenesis

Sneha Nair, Junior Research Fellow
Title: MiRNAs regulating human trabecular meshwork stem cell maintenance and their decline with aging

During their stay in Singapore, they visited the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) and met Dr. Gary SL Peh, Junior Principal Investigator, Tissue Engineering and Stem Cell Group, as well as Dr. AR Muralidharan, Assistant Professor, Visual Neuroscience Department. They also visited the 10X Genomics Office in Singapore to discuss spatial transcriptomics technology.

Dr. Gowri Priya and Sneha Nair at the Singapore International Symposium
A poster presentation during the conference


Chennai, 12th December 2024

Dr. S. Senthilkumari Srinivasan, Scientist, Ocular Pharmacology, AMRF, was invited to deliver a talk at the 70th Annual Conference of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India (APPICON 2024), organised by the ESIC Medical College & Hospital, K.K. Nagar, Chennai, on the topic, Drug Penetration across Blood-Ocular Barriers –  P-glycoprotein and Efflux Transporters of Blood-Ocular Barriers

Dr. S. Senthilkumari Srinivasan, at the 70th Annual Conference of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India

VRSI Conference

Guwahati, Assam, 6-8 December 2024

Aravind doctors participated in the 33rd Annual Conference of the Vitreo-Retinal Society of India (VRSI), held under the aegis of the Ophthalmological Society of Assam (OSA) in Guwahati, Assam.


Dr. Kim, Chief Medical Officer

  • Introduction of Nataraja Pillai Oration Awardee
  • Title: Integrating AI to leverage data analytics in EMR (Session – AI in Retina)
  • PAT Survey Session (Wise Council)
  • J M Pahwa Session (Wise Council)
  • AI in Retina Session (Wise Council)

Dr. Naresh Babu, Chief, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • Title: Anatomical and functional outcome of short-term perfluorocarbon liquid endo-tamponade for Closed Funnel Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment (Session – Retinal Detachment – Vitrectomy)
  • Title: Air perfused dissection of posterior hyaloid and tractional membrane complex in diabetic vitrectomy: A breath of fresh air (Session – Top 12 Videos)
  • Title: Unspooling a closed funnel: Short-term perfluorocarbon liquid endo-tamponade in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment (Session – Top 12 Videos)
  • ONH & Macular surgeries (Wise Council)
  • Interesting cases (Moderator)

Dr. Renu P Rajan, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous services

Title: A safer transscleral approach to remove Subretinal Napkin Ring in proliferative vitreoretinopathy (Session – Top 12 Videos)

Dr. Muthukrishnan, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous services

  • Talk / Video based complications session (Moderator)

Dr. Sivadarshan, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • Title: Following the footsteps of my mentor: Key insights (Green Horn Session – YOSI)
  • Title: Worm in the eye!! Is it dead yet? (Interesting Cases) Best Interesting Cases Award
  • Title: A curious tale of toxic posterior segment syndrome (Physical Poster)
  • Title: Sympathetic ophthalmic in the era of Micro incision vitrectomy surgery (E- Poster)

Dr. Prithviraj, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous services

  • Title: Surgical outcomes in idiopathic epiretinal membranes: Insight into the ectopic inner foveal layer classification scheme (Green Horn Session – YOSI)

Dr. Bhavani, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous services

  • Title: Clinico-Microbiological profile and treatment outcomes of Endopthalmitis following intravitreal injection: A retrospective analysis of 27 eyes (E Poster)

Dr. Athul S Puthalath, Retina Fellow

  • Title: Clinical presentation, treatment & outcomes of Paediatric Endogenous Endophthalmitis: A 10-year retrospective analysis of 32 cases from South India (VR Surgical Session)
  • Title: Lens Guard: A novel protection system for lenses used in ophthalmology (Session – Top 12 Videos) Best Video Award
  • Title: 3-D printed LAG series (Lens Attachment Guard series): A novel protection system for lenses used in ophthalmology (Session – Hack the Tech)


Dr. Syed Mohideen Abdul Khadar, Chief, Retina Services

  • J M Pahwa Session (Moderator)

Dr. Ram Sudarshan, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • Title: SFIOL made easy (E-Video)
  • Title: Two simple and useful lessons, for all vitreo-retina surgeons (E – Video)

Dr. Aswin PR, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • Title: SFIOL made easy (E-Video)
  • Title: Diabetic vitrectomy for beginners (E-Video)
  • Title: Clinical spectrum, optical coherence tomography findings and management outcome of post-fever retinitis cases (Physical Poster Session)
  • Title: Laser retreatment in Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) after Intravitreal Anti – VEGF: A retrospective study (E-Poster)
  • Title: Who is the culprit? IJT or PDR (E-Poster)
  • Slogan: World Diabetes Day: “Save your sight – Get your sugars right” (Second prize for best DR slogan award)

Dr. Swanand Pradhan, Retina Fellow

  • Title: Laser retreatment in Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) after Intravitreal Anti – VEGF: A Retrospective Study (E-Poster)

Dr. Akhila Kutumbaka, Retina Fellow

  • Title: Exudative retinal detachment: An uncommon presenting aspect of aggressive retinopathy of prematurity (Free Paper Presentation)
  • Title: Diabetic Vitrectomy for beginners (E-Video)

Dr. Raksha Palled, Retina Fellow

  • Title: Clinical spectrum, optical coherence tomography findings and management outcome of post-fever retinitis cases (Physical Poster Session)

Dr. Aarthy S, Medical Consultant, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • Title: White dot syndrome mimicking Choroiditis (E -Poster)

Dr. Jeet Patel, Retina Fellow

  • Title: Who is the culprit? IJT or PDR (E-Poster)


Dr. Manavi D. Sindal, Chief, Retina and Vitreous Services

  • PAT Survey (Moderator)
  • PCV (Wise Counsel)
  • Title: The Hyphema Dilemma: Unveiling chronic myeloid leukemia behind diabetic retinopathy (Single Slide) (Presenting author – Ocular Oncology Symposium II)
  • Title: Enhancing patient follow-up in Ophthalmology: Insights from the SHARP project (Chief and Presenting Author – E-Poster)
  • Title: From eyes to minds: Linking acute CSCR with anxiety levels (Chief and presenting author – E-Poster)
  • Title: A rare alliance exploring the intersection of Pantothenate Kinase associated neurodegeneration (PKAN) and retinitis pigmentosa (Co-author – E-Poster)
  • Title: Ischemia, inflammation or immune reaction: Enigmatic neovascular glaucoma with indeterminate retinal pathology (Co-author – E-Poster)
  • Title: Mastering PVD induction in challenging retinal surgery: Tips and techniques (Chief and presenting author – Kiosk Video)
  • Title: Mastering macular whole surgery: Essential techniques for success (Chief and Presenting Author)

Dr. Akshat Kothari,

  • Title: Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) (PAT Survey – Speaker)
  • Title: A rare alliance exploring the intersection of Pantothenate Kinase associated neurodegeneration (PKAN) and retinitis pigmentosa (Chief and Presenting Author – E-Poster)
  • Title: Ischemia, inflammation or immune reaction: Enigmatic neovascular glaucoma with indeterminate retinal pathology (Co- author – E- Poster)
  • Title: Bilateral bear traces: A retinal odyssey (Co- author – E- Poster)
  • Title: Tortuous surprise in an eye with microcornea (Co- author – E- Poster)
  • Title: Evolution of retinal injury caused by direct exposure to industrial laser (Co- author – E- Poster)

Dr. Priyanka Mahendrakar

  • Title: Diabetic Retinopathy (PAT Survey – Speaker)
  • Title: Ischemia, Inflammation or Immune reaction: Enigmatic neovascular glaucoma with indeterminate retinal pathology (Chief and presenting Author – E- Poster)
  • Title: Evolution of retinal injury caused by direct exposure to industrial laser (Chief and presenting Author- E-Poster)


Dr. Karthik Srinivasan, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Chennai

  • Title: What went wrong /was it me or the disease: The whole point – what went wrong (VR surgical Session 1)
  • Title: AI in Retina (VR surgical Session 1)

Dr. Ritesh Chainani, Medical Consultant Aravind-Chennai 

  • Title: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in a case of post fever retinitis (Challenging Cases)

Dr. Yeshwanth Kumar, Medical consultant, Aravind-Chennai 

  • Case presentation in Ocular Oncology Symposium


Dr. Kunduru Sruthi, Retina Fellow, Aravind-Tirupati

  • Title: Testosterone and vision: The hidden threat of central retinal artery occlusion (Poster Presentation)
  • Title: The aftermath: Central retinal artery occlusion and scleral buckel surgery (Poster Presentation)

Dr. Harsha Bhamidipati, Retina Fellow, Aravind-Tirupati

  • Title: Beneath the surface case series on subretinal abscess management (Poster Presentation)
  • Title: Seeing red rare case of bilateral virtreous hemorrhage in terson syndrome (Poster Presentation)


Bengaluru, 6-8 December 2024

Aravind doctors participated in the 12th Annual National Conference of the Cornea Society of India, held at Clarks Convention Centre, Bengaluru, where they presented papers and posters.

 Dr. Venkatesh Prajna, Chief, Cornea Services, Aravind – Madurai

  • Symposium: Technology (Panellist)
  • Title: Application of AI for corneal infections (Speaker)

Dr. Tejaswi Prasad, Medical Consultant, Cornea Services, Aravind – Madurai

  • Title: Insights into rarity: Conjunctival juvenile Haemangioendothelioma – Clinical Perspectives (Physical Poster)
  • Title: Paediatric Keratoconus: Visual outcome and predicting factors for the efficacy of standard Vs Accelerated Collagen Cross-Linking (CXL) (Physical Poster)
  • Title: Genome Wide DNA Methylation Analysis reveals Epigenetic Dysregulation in Pterygium (E-poster)

Dr. Premjith Muraleedharan Cornea Fellow, Aravind-Pondicherry

Best of Best video category – Second Place

  • Title: Corneal OPD simulation (Video Presentation) (Chief Author)
    Co-author: Dr. R. Naveen Medical Consultant, Cornea, Aravind-Pondicherry

Dr. Jayanthi, Medical Consultant, Cornea Services, Aravind – Coimbatore

  • Title: Keratonus and visual performance different contact lense  (E-Poster)

Dr. Deeksha Bekal, Corena Fellow, Aravind – Coimbatore

  • Title: Understanding the timeline: Implications for follow up came in post – lasik (Free Paper)

Dr. Indulekha, Cornea Fellow, Aravind – Coimbatore

  • Title: Effectiveness case of PTK in case of Accurrent RBD Post –PK (Physical Poster)

Dr. Shreya Podder, Cornea Fellow, Aravind – Coimbatore

  • Title: Decipluring OCP: A retrospective study (Free paper)

Dr. Divya, Medical Consultant, Aravind – Chennai

  • Near Live Surgery 2 -1100 Corneal Transplantation (Panellist)
  • Spotlight: Fuchs Dystrophy (Coordinator)
  • Title: DSO/DWEK in Fuchs: Current status and personal experiences (Spotlight: Fuchs Dystrophy – Session)
  • Title: Planning cataract surgery post-keratoplasty (Spotlight: Cataract surgery in corneal disease – Session)

Dr. Nathiya, Cornea Fellow, Aravind – Chennai

  • Title: IFS-Decoded (Video Presentation)
  • Title: A dual case report highlighting rare presentations of dermoid (E-Poster)

Dr. Anuja, Medical Consultant, Aravind – Salem

  • Title: Pack – CXL in advanced fungal keratitis: A comparative study (Paper Presentation)
  • Title: Retrospective study on OSSN in a Tertiary Eye Care (Paper Presentation)

Dr. Avdhoot, Corneal Fellow, Aravind – Salem

  • Title: Pythium Keratitis (Paper)
  • Title: Rare OSSN – PCG (Physical Poster)
  • Photo Contests – 4

International Society of Ocular Oncology (ISOO) 2024 Conference

Goa, 3-7 December 2024

Aravind doctors contributed in various roles as speakers, presenters, and judges at the Biennial Conference of the International Society of Ocular Oncology, held at the Taj Convention Centre in Goa.

Dr. Usha, Chief, Orbit & Oculoplasty Services, Aravind – Madurai

  • Title: Our Sequential Strategy for Rapid Molecular Diagnosis of Retinoblastoma (Speaker)
  • Retinoblastoma 2 – Session (Chairperson)
  • Title: e – Posters with pre-recorded narration genetic testing: A leap forward in retinoblastoma management (Presenter)
  • Title: Orbital tumours and others: e-posters with pre-recorded narration clinical and demographical analysis of ocular adnexal lymphoma (Presenter)
  • Eyelid Tumours and Orbital Tumors & quot – e-Posters (Judge)
  • Orbital Tumours – Videos (Judge)

Dr. Abhishek Das, Medical Consultant, Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore

  • Title: Intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma: A single centre study in South India, our experience (Poster Podium – Paper)
  • Title: Rb or no Rb? (Challenging case presentation)
  • Title: Concurrent optic disc hemangioma and rathke’s cleft cyst: A multimodal imaging approach (Ecase with narrative)

17th Congress of the Asia-Pacific Vitreo-Retina Society (APVRS)

Singapore, 22-24 November 2024

Doctors from Aravind participated in the 17th Congress of the Asia-Pacific Vitreo-Retina Society (APVRS), held at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore, where they presented posters, papers, and videos.

Dr. R. Ram Sudarshan, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind – Tirunelveli

  • Title: When the clot gets tough the cutter gets moving (Video- Chief Author)
  • Title: Clinical, microbiological profile & treatment outcomes of traumatic endophthalmitis in paediatric population in South India (E-Poster)
  • Title: Traumatic Endophthalmitis following injury by freshwater fish: A rare case report
  • Title: SFIOL made easy (Video – Co-author)

Dr. Aswin PR, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind -Tirunelveli

  • Title: SFIOL: from planning to perfection (E-Video)
  • Title: Retreatment in ROP following intravitreal anti-VEGFs (E-Poster)

Dr. K. Naresh Babu, Chief, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Madurai

  • Title: Air perfused dissection of posterior hyaloid & tractional membrane complex in diabetic vitrectomy: A breath of fresh air (Video Presentation)
  • Title: The unfurling technique: Surgically induced retinal detachment enhancing anatomical & functional outcome in grade 3 Epiretinal membrane (Video Presentation)

Dr. Haemoglobin, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Madurai

  • Title: Perfluorocarbon liquid (PFCL) migration in an attached retina

Dr. Anand Rajendran, Chief, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Chennai

  • Diabetic Retinopathy Session (Invited International Faculty)
  • Title: Surgical approaches for diabetic retinopathy (Speaker)

Dr. Chainani Ritesh Mohan, Medical Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Services, Aravind-Chennai

  • Title: APMPPE in South Indian patients: A case series (E-Poster)
  • Title: Bacillary layer detachment in a case of APMPPE (E-Poster)

Dr. Savithri, Retina Fellow, Aravind – Chennai

  • Title: Unravelling the mysteries of atypical uveal effusion syndrome associated with different aetiologies (Physical Poster)

Equitable Healthcare Access Consortium (EHAC) Members Meeting

Hyderabad, 6-7 December 2024

Thulasiraj Ravilla, Director-Emeritus, participated in the Equitable Healthcare Access Consortium (EHAC) Members Meeting, held at LVPEI, Hyderabad, and delivered a talk on Sustainability of equitable organisations. Further, he made some opening comments and also served as a moderator of the session.

Drishti 2024 - 51st Annual Conference of the Kerala Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons (KSOS)

Kochi, 29-31 November 2024

Aravind doctors served as speakers and judges at the 51st Annual Conference of the Kerala Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons (KSOS), held at the Le Meridien Convention Centre in Kochi.

Dr. Manju R Pillai, Medical Consultant, Glaucoma Services, Aravind – Madurai

  • Title: Challenging angle closure disease presentations (Talk)

Dr. Ganesh V Raman, Chief, Glaucoma Services, Aravind-Coimbatore

  • Title: What is new in glaucoma? (Talk)
  • Title: IC – Fundamentals of GATT (Talk)
  • Title: IC – Anomalous Optic Disc (Talk)
  • Title: IC – Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (Talk)
  • Title: IC – MIGS in PACG (Talk)
  • Dr. K.C. Sankara Menon FP Award Session (Judge)
  • TACO Poster Award (Judge)
  • Padma Bhushan Dr. P Siva Reddy Award Session (Judge)
  • Dr. Noel Moniz Memorial Anterior Segment Free paper session (Judge)
  • Dr. K.G. Ramachandran  memorial Free Paper (Judge)
  • Dr. K. S. Subramanian PG Free Paper Award Final (Judge)

WHO-SPECS Strategy Planning Meeting

Assam, 21-22 November 2024

Thulasiraj Ravilla, Director Emeritus, LAICO & Director of Operations, Aravind Eye Care System (AECS), participated in the WHO-SPECS Strategy Planning Meeting held in Guwahati, Assam.