Dr. S. Kavitha
Dr. Kavitha graduated in medicine from Thanjavur Medical College, M.S from Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai. After post-graduation, she joined Aravind eye hospital, Pondicherry as a consultant during 2004. After 3 years of general ophthalmology, she chose Glaucoma as her subspecialty. Since then, she is actively involved in teaching and training the residents and fellows.
Dr. Kavitha has presented many papers and posters in various National and International conferences. She has got 20 peer reviewed publications including text book chapters to her credit.
- Kavitha S, Ramulu PY, Venkatesh R, Palaniswamy K, Kader MA, Raman GV, Sharmila R, Zebardast N. Resolution of visual dysphotopsias following laser iridotomy: 6 month follow-up. Ophthalmology. 2019;126:469-471.e1.
- Nongpiur ME, Cheng, C Y, Roopam, D, Vijayan, S, Baskaran, M, Khor, C C, Allen, J, Kavitha, S, Venkatesh, R, Goh, D, Husain, R, Boey, P Y, Quek, D, Ho, C L, Wong, T T, Perera, S, Wong, T Y, Krishnadas, R, Sundaresan, P, Aung, T, Vithana, E N. Evaluation of Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma Susceptibility Loci in Patients with Early Stages of Angle-Closure Disease. Ophthalmology. 2018;125:664-670.
- Kavitha S, Zebardast, N, Palaniswamy, K, Mohideen Abdul Kader, Ganesh, V Raman, Sharmila, R, Venkatesh, R, Ramulu, P Y. Comparison of New Visual Disturbances after Superior versus Nasal, Temporal Laser Peripheral Iridotomy: prospective randomized trial. Ophthalmology. 2018;125:345-351.
- Varadaraj V, Sengupta, Sabyasachi, Palaniswamy, K, Kavitha, S, Mohideen Abdul Kader, Ganesh, V Raman, Sharmila, R, Ramulu, P Y, Venkatesh, R. Evaluation of Angle Closure as Risk Factor for Reduced Corneal Endothelial Cell Density. J Glaucoma. 2017;26:566-570.
- Roopam Duvesh, George, V Puthuran, Kavitha, S, Venkatesh, R, Krishnadas, R, Sharmila, R, Vijayakumar, B, Ramulu, Pradeep, Sundaresan, P. Multiplex Cytokine Analysis of Aqueous Humor from the Patients with Chronic Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma. Curr Eye Res. 2017;42:1608-1613.
- Venkatesh R, Kavitha S. Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma and Malignant Hypertension: a rare association. Annals Clin Case Rep. 2016;1:1194.
- Zebardast N, Kavitha, S, Palaniswamy, K, Friedman, D S, Nongpiur, ME, Aung, T, Quigley, H A, Ramulu, P Y, Venkatesh, R. Changes in Anterior Segment Morphology and Predictors of Angle Widening after Laser Iridotomy in South Indian Eyes. Ophthalmology. 2016;123:2519-2526.
- Zebardast N, Kavitha, S, Palaniswamy, K, Sengupta, Sabyasachi, Mohideen Abdul Kader, Ganesh, V Raman, Sharmila, R, Ramulu, P Y, Venkatesh, R. Angle Closure Phenotypes in Siblings of Patients at Different Stages of Angle Closure. Ophthalmology. 2016;123:1622-1624.
- Kho CC, Do, T, Jia, H, Nakano, M, George, R, Abu-Amero, K, Roopam Duvesh, Chen, L J, Venkatesh, R, Krishnadas, R, Kavitha, S. Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Five New Susceptibility Loci for Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma. Nat Genet. 2016;48:556-562.
- Kavitha S, Patel, S R, Mohini, P, Venkatesh, R, Sengupta, Sabyasachi.V itiligo Iridis and Glaucoma: a rare sequelae of small pox. Eye. 2015;29:1392-1394.
- Kavitha S, Zebardast, N, Palaniswamy, K, Wojciechowski, R, Chan, E S, Friedman, D S, Venkatesh, R, Ramulu, P Y. Family History is a Strong Risk Factor for Prevalent Angle Closure in a South Indian Population. Ophthalmology. 2014;121:2091-7.
Apart from being a clinician Dr. Kavitha has involved herself in glaucoma research. She is one of the key investigators of landmark trail involving various aspects of PACG like family history, natural history, pathogenesis, genetics, and laser changes of angle closure. At present she is analysing the impact of “Shared Medical Appointments in Glaucoma Care Provision” in collaboration with London Business School and Harvard Business School.