What is Low Vision?

Low vision is when a person’s eyesight cannot be corrected. It can develop at any age. People with low vision may not be completely blind, so it is important to help them make the best use of the remaining vision. At Aravind, the Vision Rehabilitation Centre will help you make the most of your eyesight. It cannot fix your vision or reverse vision loss. But it can help you adjust to life with limited sight.

Any change in vision should be checked by an eye doctor as soon as possible. Symptoms of low vision may include:

  • Faded colors
  • Straight lines look wobbly
  • Close objects are blurry
  • Distant objects are blurry
  • It is harder to judge the depth of objects

These signs do not mean you have low vision. Often, whatever is causing these symptoms can be treated. However, it is important not to wait before seeing an eye doctor. If these signs appear, your eyes are telling you that something is wrong. Early treatment is the best way to help your eyes get better!

Colours may look faded or dull
Wobbly lines
Close objects look blurry
Distant objects look blurry

Categories of Blindness:

Economic blindness: A person cannot count fingers from 6 metres (20 feet) away.

Social blindness: Vision is 3/60. This means that you see from 3 meters away what a person with normal vision sees from 60 meters away.

Legal blindness: Vision is 6/60 with the best possible glasses. This means that you see from 6 meters away what a person with normal vision sees from 60 meters away.

Manifest blindness: You may not see objects, but can still perceive light.

Absolute blindness: No perception of light. Everything is black.

Low Vision for All Ages:

At first, vision loss can make it very difficult to live a normal life. How much it impacts your life depends on the age when you lost vision. Aravind’s Vision Rehabilitation Centre offers a number of services and products designed for all age groups.

Aravind offers some general services for all ages:


A counsellor will help you and your family understand your condition. They can tell you about your abilities and the low vision services that can help.

Mobility Training:

Mobility training depends on your daily activity and your age. It may include a guide dog, a walker, or a cane. The goal is to teach you how to move about independently.

Independent Living Guidance:

You will learn how to perform your day-to-day activities. These include counting money, reading Braille, etc.

Government Concessions:

We will inform you of all the scholarships, services, and concessions offered by the government for people with visual or cognitive disabilities.

Low Vision in Children (0-18 years):

Low vision can drastically change a child’s life. It not only affects their ability to see, but also their education and cognitive development. It can be caused conditions, such as:

At Aravind, we rehabilitate children with low vision, special needs, or multiple handicaps. Our methods of rehabilitation treat the child as a WHOLE. Your child can benefit from services designed to strengthen their eyesight, mobility, independent living skills, and cognitive abilities.

We offer a number of services, such as:

Vision Stimulation Therapy:

Therapy designed to stimulate the child’s remaining vision. Commonly used in children aged 0-5 years and in children with multiple handicaps.

Cognitive Visual Assessment:

Children with low vision may also have cognitive disabilities. Aravind will perform a complete cognitive assessment. Based on the results, your child may benefit from cognitive-visual interventions.

Counselling on Integrated Education:

Children with low vision may have trouble in school. This is because low vision makes it difficult to learn many school subjects, like mathematics and reading. Aravind counsellors can recommend some special, integrated schools for your child. These schools will teach all the normal subjects. However, they will use low vision devices, so the lessons are easier to read. These schools will also teach your child the skills they need to live a normal, independent life.

Early Intervention Program:

These programs are for young children (under the age of 5) with low vision or multiple handicaps. It is personalized and helps children become more independent.

Vision Stimulation

Low Vision in Adults (18-50 years):

When low vision develops in adults aged 18-50 years, it can be very devastating. It can be difficult for them to keep their jobs. They may be more dependent on their families than before. Rehabilitation will be needed to help these adults adjust to their new lives.

Common Causes of Low Vision in Adults:

  • Retinal dystrophy
  • Eye trauma
  • Brain diseases or injury

Aravind offers services to help you lead an independent life:

Audio & Digital Resources for Academics:

It can be very difficult to learn when your vision is poor. For those who are still in school, digital and audio resources can help make learning easier.

Mobility Training:

Mobility training helps adults learn how to move about independently. You may learn how to use a cane, cross the road, etc.

Computer Training:

Giving training on Digital software.

Career Guidance:

This service will provide you with professional skills for the workplace. You will also learn about the careers that are most suitable for people with low vision.

Independent Living Guidance:

Giving guidance to lead an independent life

Mobility Training
Computer training

Low Vision in the Elderly (50+ years):

When older people develop low vision, it can be a huge adjustment. The elderly are used to living their lives independently and may struggle to rely on their families for support. At times, this extra stress can burden the family. It often leaves the older person feeling helpless and alone.

Common Causes of Low Vision in the Elderly:

Aravind offers services to help older people adjust to their new life:

Mobility Training:

Mobility training may include a walker or a guide dog. The purpose of this training is to teach you how to move about the house on your own.

Digital Resources:

Smartphone apps and digital audio resources are designed to help you in your daily activities.

Independent Living Guidance:

Giving guidance to lead an independent life

Low Vision Products:

Near Vision Devices:

  • Dome Magnifier
  • Stand Illuminated Magnifier
  • Prismosphere
  • CCTV

Distant Vision Devices

  • Telescope
  • CCTV
Dome Magnifier
Stand Illuminated Magnifier
Types of magnifiers