Dr. R. Venkatesh
Dr. Venkatesh began his career as Medical officer in General Ophthalmology department at Aravind eye hospital, Madurai and later moved to Glaucoma department. At present he is the Chief Medical Officer of Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry.
Dr. Venkatesh graduated in medicine with a gold medal in Ophthalmology from Annamalai University and DO & D.N.B from Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai. In 2000, he completed Basic and clinical science assessment from International council of Ophthalmology.
Dr. Venkatesh has published 70 research papers in peer reviewed International Journals, 4 publications in State Journals and has authored 10 book chapters so far. Total number of Completed and Ongoing trails in which he is involved is 25. Apart from these he has participated in various National and International meetings combining the verticals of Glaucoma, Cataract and Ophthalmology.
- Priya S, Rajesh V, Veena K, Annamalai O, Venkatesh R, Pankaja D, Fredrick M, Shivananda N. Barriers in utilisation of low vision assistive products. Eye. 2019 Aug 6. [Epub]
- Kavitha S, Ramulu PY, Venkatesh R, Palaniswamy K, Kader MA, Raman GV, Sharmila R, Zebardast N. Resolution of visual dysphotopsias following laser iridotomy: 6 month follow-up. Ophthalmology. 2019;126:469-471.
- Haripriya A, Ramulu PY, Shivkumar C, Venkatesh R, Kalpana N, Madhu Shekhar, Ramakrishnan R, Ravindran RD, Robin AL. Aravind Pseudoexfoliation Study (APEX) – Surgical and First Year Postoperative Results in Eyes without Phacodonesis and Non-Miotic Pupils. 2019;126:362-371.
- Pavan Kumar G, Palaniswamy K, Manas Nath, Prabu B, Janani M, Venkatesh R. Can preoperative anterior segment optical coherence tomography predict posterior capsule rupture during phacoemulsification in patients with posterior polar cataract? J Cataract Refract Surg.2018;44:1441-1445.
- Sengupta S, Sindal MD, Prabu B, Utsab P, Venkatesh Sensitivity and Specificity of Smartphone-Based Retinal Imaging for Diabetic Retinopathy: A Comparative Study. Ophthalmol Retina. 2018;3:146-153.
- Nongpiur ME, Cheng, C Y, Roopam, D, Vijayan, S, Baskaran, M, Khor, C C, Allen, J, Kavitha, S, Venkatesh R, Goh, D, Husain, R, Boey, P Y, Quek, D, Ho, C L, Wong, T T, Perera, S, Wong, T Y, Krishnadas, R, Sundaresan, P, Aung, T, Vithana, E N. Evaluation of Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma Susceptibility Loci in Patients with Early Stages of Angle-Closure Disease. Ophthalmology. 2018;125:664-670.
- Kavitha S, Zebardast, N, Palaniswamy, K, Mohideen Abdul Kader, Ganesh, V Raman, Sharmila, R, Venkatesh R, Ramulu, P Y. Comparison of New Visual Disturbances after Superior versus Nasal, Temporal Laser Peripheral Iridotomy: a prospective randomized trial. Ophthalmology. 2018;125:345-351.
- Pratyusha G, Krishnappa, N C, Prabu, B, Sulaiman, S M, Venkatesh R. Retinal Laser and Photography Practice Eye Model: a cost-effective innovation to improve training through simulation. Retina. 2018;38:207-210.
- Sengupta Sabyasachi, Sindal, Manavi D, Besirli, C G, Swati, Upadhyaya, Venkatesh R, Niziol, L M, Robin, A L, Woodward, M A, Newman-Casey, P A. Screening for Vision-Threatening Diabetic Retinopathy in South India: comparing portable non-mydriatic and standard fundus cameras and clinical exam. Eye. 2018;32:375-383.
- Thiel CL, Schehlein, E, Thulasiraj, R D, Ravindran, R D, Robin, A L, Saeedi, O J, Schuman, J S, Venkatesh R. Cataract Surgery and Environmental Sustainability: waste and lifecycle assessment of phacoemulsification at a private healthcare facility. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2017;43:1391-1395.
- Varadaraj V, Sengupta, Sabyasachi, Palaniswamy, K, Kavitha, S, Mohideen Abdul Kader, Ganesh, V Raman, Sharmila, R, Ramulu, P Y, Venkatesh R.Evaluation of Angle Closure as Risk Factor for Reduced Corneal Endothelial Cell Density. J Glaucoma. 2017;26:566-570.
- Roopam Duvesh George, V Puthuran, Kavitha, S, Venkatesh R, Krishnadas, R, Sharmila, R, Vijayakumar, B, Ramulu, Pradeep, Sundaresan, P. Multiplex Cytokine Analysis of Aqueous Humor from the Patients with Chronic Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma. Curr Eye Res. 2017;42:1608-1613.
- Prabu B, Pratyusha, G, Sahil Bhandari, Seema, R, Venkatesh R, Prashant, G.Extraocular Needle-Guided Haptic Insertion Technique of Scleral Fixation Intraocular Lens Surgeries (X-NIT). Indian J Ophthalmol. 2017;65:747-750.
- Christy JS, Manas Nath, Marie Frederick, M, Venkatesh R. Learning Curve of Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery: experience of surgeons new to femtosecond laser. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2017;65:683-689.
- Davila JR, Sengupta, Sabyasachi S, Niziol, Leslie M, Sindal, Manavi D, Besirli, Cagri G, Swati, Upadhyaya, Woodward, Maria A, Venkatesh R, Robin, Alan L, Grubbs Jr., Joseph, Newman-Casey, Paula Anne. Predictors of Photographic Quality with a Handheld Nonmydriatic Fundus Camera Used for Screening of Vision-Threatening Diabetic Retinopathy. Ophthalmologica. 2017;238:89-99.
- Aung T, Ozaki, M, Lee, M C, Scholtzer-Schrehardt, U, Thorleifsson, G, Mizoguchi, T, Igo Jr., R P, Haripriya, Aravind. Genetic Association Study of Exfoliation Syndrome Identifies a Protective Rare Variatn at LOXL1 and Five New Susceptibility Loci. Nat Genet. 2017;49:993-1004.
- Prabu B, Sindal, Manavi D, Pankaja, D, Seema, R, Venkatesh R, Ramulu, P.Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma Secondary to Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy – A Devastating Complication. GMS Ophthalmol Cases. 2017;7:Doc01.
- Robin AL, Thulasiraj RD, Venkatesh R. Combating Cataract Blindness. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017;135::94-95.
- Priya, S, Nirmala Devy and Venkatesh R. Extensively Disseminated Tuberculosis in an Immuno Competent Young Women Presenting as Isoalted Optic Neuritis. Annals Clin Case Rep. 2016;1:1153.
- Venkatesh R, Kavitha, S. Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma and Malignant Hypertension: a rare association. Annals Clin Case Rep. 2016;1:1194.
- Zebardast N, Kavitha, S, Palaniswamy, K, Friedman, D S, Nongpiur, ME, Aung, T, Quigley, H A, Ramulu, P Y, Venkatesh R.Changes in Anterior Segment Morphology and Predictors of Angle Widening after Laser Iridotomy in South Indian Eyes. Ophthalmology. 2016;123:2519-2526.
- Le HG, Ehrlich, Joshua R, Venkatesh R, Aravind, S, Kolli, A, Haripriya, Aravind, Ravindran, R D, Thulasiraj, R D, Robin, Alan L, Hutton, David W, Stein, J D. Sustainable Model for Delivering High-Quality, Efficient Cataract Surgery in Southern India. Health Aff. 2016;35:1783-1790.
- Ramakrishnan, S Baskaran, P, Fazal, R, Sulaiman, S M, Thiruvengada Krishnan, Venkatesh R. Spring-Action Apparatus for Fixation of Eyeball (SAFE): a novel, cost-effective yet simple device for ophthalmic wet-lab training. Br J Ophthalmol. 2016;100:1317-1321.
- Sengupta Sabyasachi, Venkatesh R, Palaniswamy, K, Manas Nath, Mashruwala, A, Ramulu, P Y, Robin, A L, Lee, P. Intraocular Pressure Reduction after Phacoemulsification versus Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Ophthalmology. 2016;123:1695-1703.
- Zebardast N, Kavitha, S, Palaniswamy, K, Sengupta, Sabyasachi, Mohideen Abdul Kader, Ganesh, V Raman, Sharmila, R, Ramulu, P Y, Venkatesh R.Angle Closure Phenotypes in Siblings of Patients at Different Stages of Angle Closure. Ophthalmology. 2016;123:1622-1624.
- Khor CC, Do, T, Jia, H, Nakano, M, George, R, Abu-Amero, K, Roopam Duvesh, Chen, L J, Venkatesh R, Krishnadas, R, Kavitha, S. Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Five New Susceptibility Loci for Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma. Nat Genet. 2016;48:556-562.
- Ramakrishnan S, Baskaran, P, Badrinath Talwar, Venkatesh R. Prospective, Randomized Study Comparing the Effect of 0.1 Percentage Nepafenac and 0.4 Percentage Ketorolac Tromethamine on Macular Thickness in Cataract Surgery Patients with Low Risk for Cystoid Macular Edema. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol. 2015;4:216-220.
- Ganesh Babu TR, Shenbaga Devi, S,Venkatesh R. Optic Nerve Head Segmentation using Fundus Images and Optical Coherence Tomography Images for Glaucoma Detection. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2015;159: 607-15.
- Venkatesh R, Van Landingham, S W, Ashish, K, Haripriya, Aravind, Thiel, Cassandra L, Ramulu, Pradeep, Robin, Alan L. Carbon Footprint and Cost-Effectiveness of Cataract Surgery. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2016;27:82-8.
- Muralikrishnan R, Venkatesh R, Vijayakumar, V, Frick, K D. Economic and Social Factors that Influence Households not Willing to Undergo Cataract Surgery. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2015;63:595-599.
- Sengupta Sabyasachi, Dhanapal, P, Nath, M, Haripriya, Aravind, Venkatesh R. Goat’s Eye Integrated with a Human Cataractous Lens: a training model for phacoemulsification. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2015;63:275-277.
- Kavitha S, Patel, S R, Mohini, P, Venkatesh R, Sengupta, Sabyasachi. Vitiligo Iridis and Glaucoma: a rare sequelae of small pox. Eye. 2015;29:1392-1394.
- Aung T, Ozaki, M, Mizoguchi, T, Allingham R R, Li, Z, Haripriya, Aravind, Nakano, S, Uebe, S, Ramakrishnan, R, Kalpana, Narendran, Venkatesh R, Sundaresan, P. A Common Variant Mapping to CACNA1A is Associated with Susceptibility to Exfoliation Syndrome. Nat Genet. 2015;47:387-392.
- Priya A, Thulasiraj, R D, Marie Fredrick, M, Venkatesh R, Sengupta, Sabyasachi, Bassett, Ken. Vision Screening by Teachers in Southern Indian Schools: testing a new all class teacher model. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2015;22:60-5
- Ganesh Babu TR, Sathishkumar, R, Venkatesh R. Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Segmentation of OCT Images by Entropy Method. Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci. 2014;5:1397.
- Kavitha S, Zebardast, N, Palaniswamy, K, Wojciechowski, R, Chan, E S, Friedman, D S, Venkatesh R, Ramulu, P Y. Family History is a Strong Risk Factor for Prevalent Angle Closure in a South Indian Population. . Ophthalmology. 2014;121:2091-7.
- Venkatesh R, Palaniswamy, K. Glaucoma Care in India: our thoughts on optimizing care for patients. Glaucoma Today. 2013:37-39.
- Muralikrishnan R, Venkatesh R, Vijayakumar, V, Frick, Kevin D. Household Preferences for Cataract Surgery in Rural India: a population-based stated preference survey. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2013:1-9.
- Roopam Duvesh, Anshuman Verma, Venkatesh R, Srinivasan, K, Ramulu, P Y, Wojciechowski, R, Sundaresan, P.Association Study in a South Indian Population Supports rs1015213 as a Risk Factor for Primary Angle Closure. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2013;131:5624-5628.
- Ganesh Babu TR, Shenbaga Devi, S, Venkatesh R. Automatic Detection of Glaucoma Using Optical Coherence Tomography Image. J Applied Sciences. 2012;12:2128-2138.
- Moster SJ, Fakhraie, G, Venkatesh R, Moster, M L, Zhao, Y, Moster, M R. Relationship of Central Corneal Thickness to Postural IOP Changes in Patients with and without Glaucoma in Southern India. Int Ophthalmol. 2012;32:307-311.
- Venkatesh R, Chang, David F, Muralikrishnan, R, Kenia Hemal Vinod, Gogate, Pariskshit, Sengupta, Sabyasachi. Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery: a review. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol. 2012;1:113-119.
- Sengupta Sabyasachi, Venkatesh R, Ravindran RD. Safety and Efficacy of Using Off-label Bevacizumab versus Mitomycin C to Prevent Bleb Failure in a Single-Site Phacotrabulectomy by a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. J Glaucoma. 2012 21:450-9.
- Ravindran RD, Venkatesh R, Chang, David, Sengupta, Sabyasachi. Reducing Endophthalmitis in India: an example of the importance of critical appraisal. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2011;59:412-414.
- Sengupta Sabyasachi, Chang, D F, Gandhi, R, Kenia, H, Venkatesh R. Incidence and Long-term Outcomes of Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome at Aravind Eye Hospital. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011;37:1673-1678.
- Haripriya Aravind, Tan, Colin S H, Venkatesh R, Aravind, S, Anand Dev, Eong, Kah-Guan Au. Effect of Preoperative Counseling on Fear from Visual Sensations during Phacoemulsification under Topical Anesthesia. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011;37:814-818.
- Venkatesh R Tan, Colin S H, Sengupta, Sabyasachi, Ravindran, R D, Thiruvengada Krishnan, Chang, David F. Phacoemulsification versus Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery for White Cataract. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36:1849-1854.
- Sengupta Sabyasachi, Venkatesh R, Ravindran, R D. Unilateral Optic Nerve Entrance Coloboma: the broken disc anomaly. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2010:1-3.
- Sathyan P, Venkatesh R, Muralikrishnan, R, Eong, Kah-Guan Au. Visual Experience during Phacoemulsification-Trabeculectomy under Peribulbar Anesthesia. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2010;41:337-341.
- Venkatesh R, Tan, C S H, Gurdeep Singh, Veena, K, Thiruvengada Krishnan, Ravindran, R D. Safety and Efficacy of Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery for Brunescent and Black Cataracts. Eye. 2009;23:1155-1157.
- Ravindran RD, Venkatesh R, Chang, David F, Sengupta, Sabyasachi, Gyattsho, Jamyang, Badrinath Talwar. Incidence of Post-Cataract Endophthalmitis at Aravind Eye Hospital: outcomes of more than 42000 consecutive cases using standardized sterilization and prophylaxis protocols. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2009;35:629-636.
- Venkatesh R, Veena K, Ravindran RD. Capsulotomy and Hydroprocedures for Nucleus Prolapse in Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2009;57:15-18.
- Venkatesh R, Ravindran, R D, Bharathi, Bavaharan, Sengupta, Sabyasachi. Optic Nerve Cysticercosis. Ophthalmology. 2008;115:2094.
- Venkatesh R, Tan, C S H, Veena, K, Ravindran, R D. Severe Anterior Capsular Phimosis following Acrylic Intraocular Lens Implantations in a Patoent with Pseudoexfoliation. Ophthalmic Surg lasers Imaging. 2008;39:228-229.
- Muralikrishnan R, Venkatesh R and Ravindran, R D. Cost-Effectiveness. Ophthalmology. 2008;115:211-212.
- Venkatesh R, Manoj, S, Sathish Badella, Das, S, Tan, C S. Rapid Resolution of Premacular haemorrhage after Nd:yag laser Posterior Hyaloidotomy. Acta Ophthlmol Scand. 2007;85:216-217.
- Venkatesh R, Tan, Colin S H, Thirumalai Kumar, T, Ravindran, R D. Safety and Efficacy of Manual Smal Incision Cataract Surgery for Phacolytic Glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol. 2007;91:279-281.
- Venkatesh R, Muralikrishnan, R, Eong, Kah-Guan Au. Visual Sensation during Phacoemulsification using Topical versus Regional Anesthesia. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2005;31:1855-1856.
- Eong K-G, Au Tan, C S H, Ang, C L, Lee, S S G, Venkatesh R, Muralikrishnan, R, Fanning, G L, Kumar, C M.Intraoperative Visual Experiences of Cataract Patients can be Both Pleasant and Unpleasant. Br J Ophthalmol. 2005;89:1386.
- Venkatesh R, Mano Ranjan Das, Prashanth, S, Muralikrishnan, R. Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery in Eyes with White Cataracts. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2005;53:173-176.
- Venkatesh R, Muralikrishnan, R, Balent, Linda Civerchia, Prakash, Karthik, Prajna, N Venkatesh.Outcomes of High Volume Cataract Surgeries in a Developing Country. Br J Ophthalmol. 2005;89:1079-1082.
- Venkatesh R, Veena, K, Thiruvengada Krishnan. Cortical Removal Simplified by J-Cannula Irrigation. J Cataract Refract Surg.2005;31:1085-1086.
- uralikrishnan R, Venkatesh R, Prajna, N Venkatesh, Frick, Kevin D. Economic Cost of Cataract Surgery Procedures in an Established Eye Care Centre in Southern India. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2004;11:369-380.
- Venkatesh R, Muralikrishnan, R, Eong, Kah-Guan Au, Saw, Seang-Mei, Aravind, S, Jacob Mathew, Kim, R, Prajna, N Venkatesh. Visual Experience during Phacoemulsification under Topical versus Retrobulbar Anesthesia: results of a prospective, randomized, controlled trial. Am. J. Ophthalmol. 2004;138:782-787.
- Vasumathy V, Venkatesh R. Digital Ophthalmic Photography. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2004;52:83-85.
- Leo S-W, Eong, Kah-Guan Au, Venkatesh R, Muralikrishnan, R. The Misericordia Health Centre Cataract Comfort Study. Can. J Ophthalmol. 2003;38:23-24.
- Muralikrishnan R, Venkatesh R, Manohar Babu, B, Prajna, N Venkatesh. A Comparison of the Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Three Different Methods of Cataract Extraction in Relation to the Magnitude of Postoperative Astigmatism. Asia Pacific J. 2003;5:5-12.
- Venkatesh R, Veena, K, Thiruvengada Krishnan. Cortical Removal Simplified by J-Cannula Irrigation. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29:1852-1853.
- Tan CSH, Venkatesh R, Eong Kah-Guan Au. Visual Experiences of Cataract Surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29 1453-1454.
- Venkatesh R. Use of Capsular Tension Ring in Phacoemulsification: indications and technique. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2003;51:197.
Dr. Venkatesh’s video on High-Volume, High-Quality, Cost-Effective Cataract Surgery for the Developing World: Sutureless ECCE bagged the Best of Show Award in the AAO, 2004 at New Orleans. He has also been awarded the ASCRS Research Grant in the year 2006. Twelve of his presentations have won awards at prestigious forums, including the conference of American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ASCRS).